come pubblicato in Parma Eldalamberon #12
Il Qenyaqetsa o Lessico Qenya, scritto nel 1915 e finalmente pubblicato nel 1998, contiene un assai sostanzioso vocabolario Elfico. Il linguaggio è "Qenya", la primeva variante del giovane Tolkien del linguaggio che ebbe ad evolvere nel Quenya come lo conosciamo da SdA e dal Silmarillion. Sfortunatamente, molte revisioni rimasero prima che il Quenya maturo, in stile SdA emergesse diversi decenni più tardi. Molti vocaboli trovati nel Lessico Qenya non s'adattano al maturo Quenya; per esempio, il primevo "Qenya" permette un certo numero di gruppi finali di consonanti che non possono occorrere in Quenya maturo. Pure alcune delle voci indispensabili di vocabolario furono modificate; per esempio, la congiunzione "e" era ya oppure yan nel primissimo Qenya, non come in maturo Quenya ar. L'attempato Tolkien pensava alle sue primissime varianti Qenya/Quenya come "assai primitive" (PM:379).
Nondimeno, il Lessico Qenya stabilisce oltre ogni dubbio che vi fu invero considerevole continuità dal 1915 al 1970+: primitivo oppure no, il linguaggio descritto nel Lessico è in definitiva riconoscibile come qualche sorta di Q(u)enya. (Per contrasto, il primissimo linguaggio "Gnomico" non può ben dirsi come una forma di Sindarin; esso è semplicemente un differente linguaggio.) Un gran numero di voci di vocabolario erano presenti dalla partenza, e non furono mai modificate. Per esempio, il vocabolo per "albero" era e sempre rimase alda (29R, cfr. Lettere:426, nota a pié di pagina). Molti altri vocaboli furono soltanto lievemente modificati; per esempio, móri "notte" (62R) più tardi divenne móre (LR:373 s.v. MOR). Il Lessico contiene alcuni vocaboli che non si trovano nelle Etimologie della metà degli anni Trenta, ma si presentano in scritti posteriori, indicando che non lasciarono mai realmente la mente di Tolkien. Un esempio è koirea "vivo, vivace" (48R); la nostra successiva attestazione di tale vocabolo è in un documento che fu scritto più di mezzo secolo più tardi: in uno dei suoi saggi, l'attempato Tolkien usò la frase coirëa quenya, "idioma vivente" (PM:399).
D'altronde, il Lessico Qenya contiene vocaboli per numerosissime cose per le quali precedentemente non si avevano affatto vocaboli Alto-Elfici. Ove tali vocaboli sembrano adattarsi alla struttura fonologica e morfologica del maturo Quenya, e non cozzano con vocaboli posteriori, non posso vedere alcuna buona ragione per non accettarli ed usarli.
Così tutto considerato, il Lessico Qenya quasi certamente non dovrebbe essere ignorato. Io pertanto mi presi il tempo di indicizzare i suoi contenuti dalle glosse inglesi fornite [qui liberamente tradotte in italiano, N.d.T.]. Il riferimento è reso a pagina e colonna, e.g. 96L = pagina 96, nella colonna di sinistra; 58R = pagina 58, nella colonna di destra. (Si dovrebbe sempre leggere l'intera colonna riferita, dacché la medesima glossa inglese frequentemente ricorre più di una volta.) Anche un certo numero di vocaboli Gnomici sono menzionati nel Lessico come pubblicato in Parma Eldalamberon, usualmente in note aggiunte dagli editori. In tale indice, questi vocaboli sono usualmente indicati da un parentetico "(Gnomico)". Comunque, ciò non si è fatto dove vi è un corrispondente vocabolo Qenya con la medesima glossa inglese nella stessa colonna, dacché questo è primariamente inteso come un indice per i vocaboli e le radici Qenya. (Nessuna distinzione è qui fatta tra vocaboli e radici; il Lessico elenca entrambi.)
Le glosse di Tolkien per i verbi talvolta includono pronomi, e.g. nete "I get" (66L) [nella presente traduzione i pronomi vengono mantenuti, e nella fattispecie la voce in questione è tradotta "io prendo", N.d.T.]. Tali pronomi non sono normalmente inclusi in questo indice, e non sono mai date voci separate; pertanto, il riferimento a nete "io prendo" deve essere ricercato sotto la G, non sotto la I.
L'indice ha oltre 3000 voci.
Parma Eldalamberon #12, contenente il Lessico Qenya, può essere ordinato a Christopher Gilson, 10200 Miller Avenue, No. 426, Cupertino, CA 95104 (vedere la pagina Eldalamberon).
abile: è abile 95R, 96L; in grado di sentire 93R, in grado di parlare 77L
abissale 87L
abisso 87L
abituale 84R; abituale 84L
abuso 65L
accettabile 96R
accettare 96R
agire 43R, 45L; atto di nutrire 66L
azione: azione legale 48L
acuto 38L, 91R
addizionare a 106L
addizione: in addizione 32L
adornare 77L
adornato 77L
æon 102L
affare 64L, 102L
affezionato 57L
Africa 31L, 84R
after 75L, (only of time:) 66R
afterwards 75R
against 33L
age (Gnomish:) 102L; age long 102L; agelong period 73R
ago (adj. and. adv.) 56R
agone 73L
agonizing 65L
agony 58R
ahead 66R
aid 79R, 93R; come to aid of 79R
Aikaldamor 29L
ail 78L
ailing 78L
Ailinóne 29L
aim 60R; aim at 60R
Ainatar 34L
Ainur 69R
air, airs 86R; Outer-Airs 100R; air (lower, 3rd layer) 37L cf. 101R; blue air that is about the stars 42L; outermost air beyond the world 100R; slender airs among the stars 42L; upper airs 88R, 101R
air (of music) 54R
airy 86R, 101R
Akairis 36L
Alalminóre 36L, 36R
alas: say alas! 84L
Aldaron 71L
alder tree 97R; alder-grown 97R
alike 42R, 85L; exactly alike 42R; very much alike 30R
alive 48R; be alive 52L
all 70L; all- (as prefix) 70L; all the 70L; all round 80L
allure 90R
allurement 90R
alluring 90R
almighty 70L
alone 36L; remain alone 36L
along 32L, 69L
alp 80R
Alqarámë 78R
also 104R
alter for worse 61R
always 102L
am 69L; am ill 76L; am strong 95R
amass 78R
amazon: virgin amazon 60R
amber 58L; of amber 58L
amble 56L
Amillo 36L
ancient: ancient lore (Gnomish) 67R, the ancient town build above the rocks of Eldamar 48L, 104R
and 104R
Andesalke 84R
Angamandu 58R; Angamandu, Angamandi, Angamandor 31L
Angband 31L, 64L; Angbandor 31L
anguish 65L, (Gnomish:) 64L; suffer great anguish 73R
animal 50R; animal (noun and adj.) 48R; animal food 60L; domestic animal 50R; animal-like 50R; ear of animals 98L; run (of animals) 56L
anniversary 80L
anvil 70L
anxiety 76R
anything stolen 64R
anywhere 80R cf. 80L
aperture 73R
apparition 69R
appearance 42L
apple (etc.) 61L; fruit esp. of trees of apple type 59L
appraise 94L
approach 52R
appropriate 99R
April 56R, 96R
arch 49R, 79L
Arcturus 62R
ardour: martial ardour 48L
area 51L
arid 32L
arise 80R; arise from 69R
arm, arms (dual) 78R; hunter with bloody arms 60R
army 41L
around 80L
arrange 72L
arrangement 72L
arrow 74L, 76R; arrow-feather 76R
art of writing 90R
artificial: artificial fire 75R, artificial light 44L
as 82R, 101L, (suffixed:) 101L; as a bird 104L; as well 32L
ascend 80R
ascension 70R, 80R
Asgard 99R
ask for 43L
asleep: fall asleep 37R
assay 94L
assemblea 53L
assente [distratto, N.d.T.] 37R
assess 94L
assimilare 82R
assimilazione 82R
associazione 53L
at 72R; at home 43L; at random 80R cf. 80L; at that time 81L
athwart: go athwart 89L
Atlantis 93R
attraente 90R
attrarre 90R
attraverso 69L
audace 67R
audacia 67L
auger 91R
Aule: names of Aule 88R, son of Aule 71L
authority: having authority over 57R
Autumn, autumn 51L, 68L, 105R; many-swallows of autumn 53R
Avenger 72R
avenue of trees 29R
awake 48R
awakening 48R
aware: am aware 43L
away (adj.) 99L; away (adv.) 99L; away from 33R; go away 33R
awkward 33L
awning (Gnomish) 90R
axe 73L; battle axe 95L; Tuor's axe 89R
babble 40R, 50R; babbler 50R
baby 75R; tiny baby 50L; young or baby "Elves" or fairies 91L
back (noun) 75R; broad back 29L
back (adv.) 105L, 105R (106L); demonstrative pointing back 105L
backing 72R
bad 37R, 78R, 97R; bad magic 38L; bad weather 57L
badger 70R
bag 75L
Bai 100R
*Bailmoth 100R
bake (Gnomish) 64L
bake 59R, 63R, 94R
baked 94R
bald 37L
ball 47R, 49L; ball of crystal 48L; ball of wool, etc. 94L; eyeball 82R, 83L
balloon 76L
balrog, Balrog 32R, 58R, 101R; Balrogor 60R
band 41L, 54L
bang 56L, 89R, 94R
bank of stream 80L
banner 95L
Bannoth 64L
barbarian 44R; land of barbarians 44R
barbarity 38R, 44R
Barbary (Germany) 44R
barbed 93L
bare 37L; bare (of land) 37L
bargain (verb and noun) 76R
bark (noun) 72L, 79L
bark ill-temperedly 105L
barn 95R; barn fowl 75L
barren 32L
barter 76R
base 93R; base of a pillar 87L; base of column 87L
basis 90L, 93R
bat 78L
bath 86L; bath water 86L
bathe 57L; bathe in warm water 57L
bathing 86L
batten 74R
batter 89R
battle: battle axe 95L, God of battle/wars, battle God 58L
bay 47R
be 64L, 69L; to be (adj., = tomorrow's) 66R; be alive 52L; be born 66R; be hot 81L; be next to 89L; be quiet 78L; be round 48L; be sent 52R; be thirsty 56R; as it should be 99R
beach 30R, 37L, 63L; beach ("etc.") 85L; stony beach 30R; beach-fay 35L
bead 82R
beak 61L, 73R
beam 90L
bear (verb) 94R, 95L; bear, bear with (= endure) 93R; bear fruit 94R, 95L, 105R; bearing, etc. 95L; nut-bearing 48R; bearing a roof 90R; bearing the nearest consanguinity 40L
bear: Great Bear (constellation; the Elvish name actually means "Silver Sickle") 47L
beard 101L
beast 50R; beast of burden 88R; beast of prey 50R, 79L; a wild beast 79L; ear of beasts 98L; fierce, savage (of beasts) 79L
beastly 50R
beat 51L, 89R; beating of breasts 71L; beating or rushing of wings 100L
beauteous 99R
beautiful 44L
beauty 99R; Vali of love, music, beauty and purity 36L, 40L; Valsi of dancing, joy, spring, life & beauty 100L
become 66R, 96R
bed 44R; marriage-bed 46L; bed-room 46L
bee 65L; blue-bee 65L; Bee of Azure (Gnomish) 65L
beech, beech-tree 65R; beechwood 65R; having many beaches 53R
before of time 105R
beg 43L
begin 29L, 33L
beginning 29L
behind 105L, 105R (106L); behind (of place) 75L
behold 29R
being 64L; living being 48R; being near at hand 72R
Belaurin 72L
belch smoke 80R
Belcha 106L
bell (mostly of shape) 46R; large bell 46R; small bell 46R; jingling of (small) bells 46R; ringing of bells 64L; ringing or jangling of (large) bells 46R
belly 36R
Belmoth 100R
belonging to gnomes 67L
beloved 60R, 85L
belt 78L; swordbelt 35L
bend 49R, 70R, (Gnomish:) 55L, 103L; bend down 44R, 68L
beneath 96R
bent 45R
bereave 71R
berry 74L; blackberry 74L; holy berry 34L; hips (berries) 44R; wild-rose berries 44R; fruit of the gooseberry type (squashy, with seeds) 61L
beside 32L; living beside (wedded life) 46L; besides 32L
best time 55R
bi- 33L
bier 95L
bind 40L, 54L, 83L, (Gnomish:) 64L
biped 88L
birch 83R; silver birch 83R
bird 69L, 104L; as a bird 104L; small bird 101R; small bird (especially sparrow) (Gnomish) 96R; flock of small birds 41R; Birdward (Gnomish) 104L
birth 66R; birthday 66R
bit 61R
bitch 82L, 82R
bite 64L; bite (of flies) 43R; bite at 64R
bitter 64R, 74L, 101R; bitterness 74L
black 62R; blackberry 74L; blackberries 61L
bladder 75R
blade 41R; sharp blade 101R
blanket 71R
blare 78R
blaze 30L, 47L, 75R; blazing hot 94R, 98R
blazon 35R
bleat 60L, 68R
bless 55L, 81L
blessed 81L; blessed, blesséd 55L; dwellings beyond the stars for the blessed 42L; Blessed Trinity, 1st Person of 33L; 2nd person of 43L
blessedness 99R
blessing 54R
blight 105L
blister 75R
blood 60R, 101L; sap-blood 101L; curdle (blood, etc.) 50L
bloody: hunter with bloody arms 60R
bloom (usually of large single flowers) 55R
blooming 55R
blossom 55L, 92L; full of blossom 56L
blow 76L; blow (noun) 74R; blow a trumpet 54L; blowing of horns 54L
blue 57L, 66L; deep blue 41R, 57L; blue green 66L; blue-violet 39R; pale blue 83R; pale bluish green 83R; blue colour, blueness 66L; blue air that is about the stars 42L; blue sky 44L; blue stone 57L; blue-bee 65L; bluebell 77L; shine (blue) 92L
blunt 41R
boar 48R, 49L
boat: small boat 100R, (emended:) 101L; Earendl's boat 104L
bodes ("it bodes", impersonal) 102R
bodily 48R, 86R
body 48R, 75R, 86R; fat body 36R; setting of heavenly bodies 87L
bog 56R
boil 75R, 103L; it boils 103L
boiling 103L
bold 67L
bole of tree 75R
bond 40L
bone 33L; of bone 33L; bony 33L
book 72L, 90R; the Golden Book 72L; leaf (esp. of book) 72L
boom 56L
boot 41R, 82R
booty 79R
border 80L, 87R; border on 80L; bordering 80L
borer 91R
born: be born 66R
boss (of shield) 94L
both 33L
bottle 69R
bounce 94L
bouncing 94L
bound 94L
bounding 45L
bout of frost 105R
bow (verb) 45R, 49R, 68L
bow (noun) 77R; rainbow 98R
bowed 45R
bowels: empty the bowels 63L
bowl 84R
box 47R
box on ear 74R
brace 33L
branch 32L
brass 44L
brave 65R, 67L
bray 78R
brazen 44L
bread 59R, (Gnomish:) 64L
breast 30L; breast-plate 30L; beating of breasts 71L
breath: puff out with one's breath - 76L
breathe 41L (100R), 86R
breeze 101R; breezes 86R
breezy 101R
bride 30R, 36L, 46L; bride chamber 46L
bridge 73L, 79L
Bridhil 102R
bright 83L; bright-coloured 77L; bright dawn 47L; bright star 62R
bright (= smart) 95R
brilliant 30L, 44L
brim 80L
Brindi 102R
bring 88L, 95L; bring forth 94R; bring up the rear 91L cf. 91R
broad 29L, 50R, 51L, 51R; broad back 29L; broadsword 58L
broidered 77L; broidered with flowers 56L
broidery 77L
bronze 88R
brooch 32L, 73R
brood 57L
brook 103L
brother 40L, 40R; brother or sister 40L
brotherhood 52R, 53L
brouch 32L
brown 103L; dark (rich) brown 94R; red-brown 83L; land of the brown men 103L
brownies 92L
bubble 75R, 75R, 103L; it bubbles 103L; bubble up 46L; bubbling 103L
bucket 47L
bud 55L, 92L, 96R (81L); buds 96R
budding (noun) 96R
buffet 89R
build 89L, 93R
bulging 45R
bulky 75R
bull 89R
bunch 31R, 45R, 55L; in a bunch 45R; flowers in bunches or clusters 55L
bunched up 45R
burden 49L, 88R; huge burden 88R; beast of burden 88R
burdened 49L, 88R
burg 48L, 93L
burgeon 96R (81L)
burgeoning 92L
burn 33R, 75R, (transitive and intransitive:) 98R
burst 81L, 96R; burst asunder 81L
business 102L
but 32L, 36L
butter 62L
butterfly 104L; butterflylike 57R
buttress 93R
by 41R, 72R, 89L; standing by 72R; by name 35R
-by (element in place-names) 60R
bygone 73L
cacare (Latin: "to empty the bowels") 63L
cackle 76L
cairn: stone-cairn 70L
calf of leg 74R
call (verb and noun) 105L; call out 40R; call up 78R
called 35R; I am called 35R
camel 49L, 97R; camel's hair 97R
can (verb) 95R, 96L
candle 45R
Cannibal-ogres 86R
canopy 90R
capital 45R
carcase [sic; = carcass] 76R
card wool 73L
care for 76R (104L)
carnal 39R
carnivorous 60L
carp 68R
carry 88L, 95L
cart 67R
castle 48L, 62L
cat 61L; Lord of Cats 90L; Prince of Cats 61L
catch 51L, 55L, 66L; catch fire 96L; catch (fish), catch in ("etc.") (transitive and intransitive)98L
caterpillar 97R
cattle: a head of cattle or sheep 50R; a head of cattle 105L
cauldron 88R
causative verbal prefix 43R
cause 43R, 66R; cause to smoke 80R
cave 45R, 71L, 80R, 82L
cavernous 30R
cellar 45R
Celon 46L
central 60R, 94L
centre 60R, 94L; centre (adj.) 60R
chaffer 76R
chaffering 76R
chain (noun) 54L; great chain 34R
chair 85R, 86L; leg of chair, etc. 93R
chamber 81R; inner chamber 46L
champion 62R
chance 63R, 102R, (Gnomish:) 64L
changing (Gnomish) 64L
Chantecler, chanticleer, Chanticleer 73L
charge 88R
charger 60L
chase 79L, 79R
chatter 40R, 50R, 68R
cheek (Gnomish) 31R
cheer 105L
cheese 50L
cherish 57L
cherry 34L, 74L; cherries (etc.) 61L; cherry tree 34L
chestnut 57R
chevaux de frise 89R
chew 50L, (Gnomish:) 64L; chew the cud 50L
chicken 75L
chief 45R
child 32L, 40R, 75R; Child of day or light 44L; child of gloom 55R; child of light (a class of Valar) 44L; child of sea 70L; child of sea, mer-child 70L
chill (noun) 105R
chilly 80L
chin 101L
chips 96L
chirp (verb) 46R
choke 78L
choked 78R
choking smoke 78R
choose 49R
Christian missionary 36R
chuckle 44L
circle 80L
circuit of walls 71L
circular 80L; circular enclosure, esp. on a hill-top 48L
circumference 79L
city on a hill 48L, 93L
clad 100R
clan 79R; of same kin or clan 79R
clarity 54R
clatter (noun and verb) 72R
clattering 72R
claudere agmen (Latin: "to bring up the rear") 91L
clean 75R, 86R; make clean 75R
cleanse 30L, 66L, 75R, 86L
cleansing (noun) 86R; cleansing (adj.) 86L
clear 44L, 54R; clear pool 54R; clear sky 44L
cleave 38R, 39L, 41R
cleaver of throngs 81R
cleft 38R, 47L; cleft (adj.) 47L
clever 43L
cleverness 43L
cliff 29R, 38R
cliffy 29R
cling together 36R
close (verb and noun) 91L; the closed mouth 72R
close to 89L
closely: resemble closely 30R
cloth: flowing cloth 51L
cloud: dark lowering cloud 57L
clover: red clover 44R
cluck 46L
clucking 46L
clue 65L
clumsy 33L; clumsy fellow 33L
cluster 55L; cluster of flies 43R; Cluster of silver flies (Pleiades) 43R; purple cluster 39R; fall (of folds clusters, etc.) 74L; flowers in bunches or clusters 55L
coarse grain or powder 63L
coast 85R
coat 100R
cobweb 45L
coil 54L
coin: gold-coin 49L
cold 80L, 105R; ice-cold 39R; the cold 105R; a cold 105R; a cold in head 66R; I have a cold 66R
collect 32R, 47L, 53L, 78R
collection 85L
college 52R, 53L
colour 77L; blue colour 66L
coloured 77L; orange-coloured 49L
column 87L, 93R; base of column 87L
comb (of cock) 73L; cox-comb 73L (Unconnected to the verb and noun "comb" listed below, though found on the same page)
comb (verb and noun) 73L
come 52R, 95L; come on 55L; come together 53L; come to aid of 79R; come to ripeness 59L
comfort 93L; (Gnomish:) 95L
comforting 93L
comment: malicious comment 65L
common 84R
compact (adj.) 93L; compáct 50L
comparable 82R
compare 82R, 101L
comparison 101L
complaint 68R
complete 78L, 91L
complexion: fair (weather or complexion) 44L
comport 93L
compress 81R
computation 85L
conceal 62R
concealed 39L
concerted 72L
conclusion 91L
conclusive 91L
condition 85R
confirm 93L
confirmation 93L
conflagration 75R
congregate: when many swallows congregate and sing at dawn 53R
conifer (any conifer) 101R
connect (Gnomish) 105R
conquer 34L
conquering 34L
conquest 34L
consanguinity: nearest consanguinity 40L; bearing the nearest consanguinity 40L
consider 78R
consolation 93L
console 93L
consoling 93L
constant one (Gnomish) 102L
contenere (97L)
contenere 47L; contenere (spec. di liquidi) 47L
contemptible 79R
continuo 73R
conto 78R
convento 77R
conversazione 40R
cook (verb) 63R; cook (verb and noun) 59R
cooked 59R
copper 88R; copper or cauldron 88R; of copper 88R
Corangos 48L
cord 40L, 83L
corner 98L, 104L; corner (from outside) 65R
cornered 65R
corporale 86R
corporeo 86R
corpse 76R
corroborare 93L
corrompere 76R
corruzione 76R
Corthirion 48L
costare 96R
costellazione 52R
costruire 89L
cottage 71L
cotton 53R
couch 46L
cough (verb and noun) 50L; whooping cough 50L; a cough and a sneeze 41L
count 90L; count up 78R
country 66R, (Gnomish:) 67R; fay of the country 64R
couple of 33L
course 72L, 79R
cousin 36R, 79R; female cousin 36R; male cousin 36R
cousinship 36R, 79R
cove 95L
cover (verb:) 93R, (verb and noun:) 95R; cover in 90R
covered 93R
covering 90R, 100R
cow 105L; milch cow 105L
cox-comb 73L
crack 47L
crag 86L
cream 77R
created world (whole of the created world, not only earth) 43L
creator who dwells without the world 35R
creature 64L
crescent 49R; Crescent Moon 49R
crest 70R, (Gnomish:) 104L; wave-crest 72L (Gnomish: 104L); hill-crest over which Sun rises 44L
crook 53L
crooked 45R, 73R
crop 105R
Crosailin(t) 48L
Crosincli 48L
cross 89L; cross rivers etc. 89L
crossing 89L
crow 45L
crowd 42L, 81R
crown 83L
Crucifix 89L
crucifixion 31L, 89L
crucify 89L
cruel 101R
cruelty 72R
crush 58L, 58R, 63R
cry 60L, 69L; (verb:) 60L; cry of goat or sheep 68R
crying 60L
crystal 85L; ball of crystal, crystall-ball 48L; sparkling as of crystal 85L
cubs: litter of pups, cubs, etc. 82L
cucumber 47R
cud 50L; chew the cud 50L
cuff (noun) 74R
cunning 38L
curdle 50L; curdle (blood, etc.) 50L
curdled 50L
curl 55L
curled horn 54L
curve 70R
custom 84L
customary 84R
cut 47L, 100R, 101L; I cut 38L; it cuts 101R; cut in strips 80L; cut out 100R (101L)
cutting 38L, 101R
cylinder (hollow) 74R; hollow cylinder 80R
cylindrical 74R
cymbal 94R
daddy-long-legs 53L
daffodil 44L
daily 44L
Daimord 62R, 88L; Daimort 88L
dale 66R, 94L, 95R, 96R; dale (adj.) 66R; dale-sprites 90L
damage 58R, 65L
damp 67R, 80L; damp (of weather) 68L; damp (noun) 67R
dance (verb and noun) 55L; dance (transitive) 94L
dancing 55L; Valsi of dancing, joy, spring, life & beauty 100L
dandle 94L
Danigwethil 88L
dare 67L
daring 67R
dark 38R, 41L, 41R, 51R, 103R, 105L; dark (of weather) 57L; dark or hidden 95R; dark red 44R; dark (rich) brown 94R; dark lowering cloud 57L; dark vale 95R; dark weather 57L; daughter of the dark (name of Jupiter) 62R, 63L, 83R; glint in the dark (name of Arcturus) 62R; lower regions of gloom and dark in the North, Melko's first dwelling 99L; son of the dark 62R
darkness 51R, 55R, 99L; lowering darkness 105L
darling 60R
daughter 32L, 87R; -daughter (in the text only defined as a fem. ending of patronymics) 103R; daughter's son 87R; daughter of Manwe 36R; daughter of the dark (a name of Jupiter) 62R (63L, 83R)
dawn 70R; a bright dawn 47L; of the dawn 70R; when many swallows congregate and sing at dawn 53R
day: a special day 44L; of the day 44L; day after tomorrow 66R, 67L; day before yesterday 105R; mid-summer's day 33R; Child of day or light 44L
day-dream (noun) 37R
daylight 44L
daytime 44L
dazed: go dazed 37R
dead 40R, 41R, 76L, 78R, 104R
deadly 76L
deal (noun) 76R
dealer of wounds 81R
dear 60R, 85L, 102L
death 76L, 76R, 104R
debate (verb and noun) 48L; debatable 48L
decay 76R
deceiving (noun) 45R
decimal 52R
decline 93R
decrease 61R
deed 43R, 45L
deep 87L, 94L, 95R; deep blue 41R, 57L; deep lore 67R; deep sleep 39L
deer: young deer 70L
definite 72L
deliberate 72L
dell 66R, 96R
delve 65L
demon 32R, 58R, 62R, 70R, 79L; fire demon, fire-demon, kind of fire demon 32R, 60R, 101R
demonstrative (not a word for "demonstrative", but demonstrative elements) 34R, 81L, 87R; demonstrative ("this") 46R; demonstrative pointing back 105L
dense 50L, 81R, 93L
denude 34L
depart 33R; he departs 33R
depth 87L
descendant (male descendant) 106R; one's descendants 40R; descendant of (patronymic ending) 106R
descending 87L
descent 87L
desert 32L, (land of) desert 32L
deserted 36L; deserted place 32L
despicable 79R
despoil 34L
device 35R
devise 35R
devour 58L
dew 67R, 68L, 80L; a sparkle of dew 92R; drop of dew 85L
die 76L, 76R, 41L (100R), 104R; die down 87L
different 100L
dig 45R, 82L; a dig or stab 42L
dim 40R
diminish 61R
diminutive endings 73R
dire 65L
direction 90R
dirt 63L
disc 80L
disease 78L
dish 100R (101L)
disincarnate spirit 58R; abiding place of disincarnate spirit(s) 58R
dislike (verb) 64R; strong dislike 30R; dislike (verb and noun) 90L
display (verb and noun) 34L
dispute (verb and noun) 48L; the matter disputed 48L
distribute 94R
distributed 94R
divide 94R
divided 94R
do 45L; I do habitually 84R
dog 37L, 82L; great dog 49L; wild dog 82L; pack of dogs 82R; growl (of dogs) 68R; snap of a dog 64R
documents 90R
doll 94L; little doll 94L
domestic 43L; domestic animal 50R
domesticated 43L
domicile 43L
done 43R, 94R; done (= cooked, baked) 59R
door: small hinged door 51R
dot 73R
doughtiness 31R
doughty 31R; doughty 57R
dovetail 53L
down (noun) 54L
down 39L; going down (adj.) 87L; bend down 44R; go down 87L; going-down (noun) 87L; lay down 44R; sit down 85R; surge (up and down) 85R; weigh down 88R; weighed down 88R
downfall 87L
downy 92R
drag 79L
dragon 38L, 54L, 97R; (Gnomish:) 55R
draw water 46L
dread 102R
dreadful 102R
dream 37R, 56L, 69R, (gloss struck out:) 39L; in dreams 56L; way of dreams 69R; day-dream 37R
dreamer 69R
dreamlike 69R
dreamy 69R; dreamy ("etc.") 56L
dress (verb) 30L
dressed leather 30L
dried 94R
drink 85R; sweet drink 61R; give to drink 85R; drink of the fairies 54R; drink of gods = drink of the Valar 61R, (Gnomish also:) 104R
drip 54R
drive 35R
drizzle 68L
drizzling 68L
Dronúrin 67R
droop 56L, 77R
drooping 77R
drop 51L, 86L; drop of dew 85L; little drop, tiny drop 54R
drown 78L
drowned 78R; drowned in the Sea (a name of the sun) 78R
drowsy 56L, 69R
drum 30R, 51L; small drum 94R; noise of drums (or guns) 94R
dry 32L, 56R, 94R; be dry 32L; dry sand 32L
dual forms, the root of many 33L
duck 76L
dug-out 82L
dull 52R
dun 48L
dung 63L
dusk 40R, 51R, 55R, 59R, 63R
dusky 59R
dwell 102R (103L)
dwell 43L, 46L, 60R, 63R; dwell in (Gnomish) 63R
dweller 60R; earth-dweller 67L
dwelling 46L, 60R, 71L, 80R, 81L, 81R, (Gnomish:) 63R, 103L; dwelling of Manwe 88R, 101R; dwelling of men 60L; dwelling within a fortified enclosure 48L; Melko's first dwelling 99L; dwellings beyond the stars for the blessed 42L
dyad 64R
dynasty - of the ruling dynasty 96L
each 70L
eagle 34R, 35L, 86L; young eagle 35L; King of Eagles 79L, 86L
ear 76L, ears (dual) 76L, 98L; ear (of men only, not animals) 31R; ear of animals 98L; ear of beasts 98L; box on ear 74R
Earendel 72L; Earendl 34R, 105L; a name of Earendl 45L; Earendl's boat 104L
earth 46L; the Earth 60L; earth-dweller 67L; earthquake 72L
earthen jar 46R
earthenware 46R
earthquake 72L
easement 93L
easing 93L
East 70R, 71L; Eastwind 71L
Eastern 70R
eat 59R; make eat 43R; give to eat 43R; good to eat 59R
echoing 81R
edge 46R, 80L, 101R; lie at edge 80L; sticking out edge ("etc.") 98L
edging of grass 80L
edible 59R
eel 43R
effettivo 43R, (emendato:) 102L
efficace (emendato) 102L
efflorescenza 92L
Egalmoth 29L
egg 69L
Eglamar 52L
eighty-four 71L
elbow 69R
Eldamar 35L, 36R, 48L, 85R
Eldaquet 77L
Eldar 36L, 42R, 43R, 67L, 85R, 91L, 92L; Kaukareldar 45R
elephant 41L
eleven 61L
elf (see elves, fairy): little elf 91L; one of the Elf-kindreds 91L; elftress 35L
elfin 91L; Elfinesse 35L
elm (tree) 29R; Land of Elms 29R; a "korin" of elms 36L
elves 43R, 91L; one of the first tribe of elves 43L; valley (or land) of the Elves 91L
Elwenillo 34R
emanation 69R
embellish 77L
embroidered 77L
embroidery 77L
empty the bowels 63L
encircle 40L, 78L
enclosure 41L, 87R, (Gnomish:) 71L; fenced enclosure 48L; hill-fortress enclosure 48L; dwelling within a fortified enclosure 48L
end (noun) 76R; end (verb, noun, adj.) 91L; end (fate) 91R; great end 91R; utter end 76R; we indeed endure things but the martyrs endured and to the end 73R (80R)
endeavour 94L
endurance 47R, 73R
endure 44R, 47R, 73L, 93R; endure to end 73R (80R); we indeed endure things but the martyrs endured and to the end 73R (80R)
enduring 73R
enemóeis (Greek: "windy, airy") 86R
enfold 51L, 100R
engine 35R
England 42R
enjoin 72R, 88R
enlarge 106L
enmesh 58L
enquiry 81L
enter 61L
entwine 53R
Enu 42L
equable (Gnomish) 50R
Eremandu 31L
Eressea 36L; Tol Eressea 36L, 36R, 42R, 85R
Erinti 30R, 36R, 39R, 40L
Erintion 36R
Erioll- 69R
escape (verb and noun) 98R; he escapes 98R
escutcheon 35R
essay (verb) 94L
essential 102L
establish 95L
esteem 85L
estimate 85L
Estirin, Estirios 36R
estrangement 100L
ether 42L
even (flat) 71R
evening or morning star 34R
ever 102L
everlasting 102L
every 70L; everybody 70L; everywhere 70L, 80R cf. 80L; everywhere about 70L
evil 101R, (Gnomish:) 78R; God of Evil 60R
evolve from 69R
exact or inflict a penalty 72R
exactly alike 42R
excavate 82L
excavated 82L
exceedingly: long exceedingly after 60L
excessive 60L
exchange (noun and verb) 76R
exclamation 41R
Exeter 36R
exhale 86R
exist 64L, 69L
existence 64L
experience 73L
expire 41L (100R)
expression 77L; good at expression 77L
extend 32L, 50R; extend sideways 32L
extended 67L
exterminate 79L
extirpate 79L
extol 69R
extreme 91L, 91R
extremity 91L
eye 40L, 83L; eye, eyes (also dual) 82R; eyeball 82R, 83L; eyelash 92R; Eyes of Heartsease 39R
eyrie 86L
Fâ 101R
fable 68R
face 29R
fact 43R
fade 61R, 68L
faded 68L
fading (adj.) 40R, 56R, 87L; (noun:) 68L
Faëry 42R
fail 76R, 87L
faint smile 61R
fair (weather or complexion) 44L
fair 44L, 60R, 99R, (Gnomish:) 50R; fair weather 44L
fairy 43L; little fairy 42R; young or baby "Elves" or fairies 91L; a fairy who dwelt in a lily on a pool 29L; a fairy who lived in a poppy 92L; the isle of the fairies 94L; drink of the fairies, fairy-drink 54R; fairy-canopy (= mushroom) 90R
faith 80R
faithful 102L; the faithful 102L
fall (verb and noun) 51L; fall 86L, 87L; Fall 51L; fall asleep 37R; fall (of folds, clusters, etc.) 74L
falling 51L, 87L
fallow 37L
Falman, Falmon 37L
family 36R, 40R, 66R, 85L
famine 82R
famished 82R
fang 48R
Fantor 38R, 69R, 100R; Fantur 37R, 100R
fashion 45L, 89L
fast 88L; flow fast 97R
fasten 88L
fastening 88L
fat 37L, 51L, 74R, 75R, 86R; fat body 36R; fat man 37L; grow fat 74R
fate 35R, 63L, 66L; Fate 34L; fate, Fate personified (Gnomish) 64L
father 33L; father (child's word) 33L; father (solemn word, also used of the 1st Person of the Trinity) 33L; Heavenly Father 42L
fatness 74R
favourite 60R
fawn 70L
fays 92L; fay of the country 64R; tiny (fay-)glass 54R
fear 45R, 102R; in fear 102R
feather 74L; arrow-feather 76R
February 30R, 56R, 86L
feed 66L, (Gnomish:) 64L; give to feed 66L
feeding 66L
feel 91R, (Gnomish:) 43L; feel for (like tentacles etc.) 89L; feel with the hand 94L
feeler 91R
feeling (noun and adj.) 91R
feet (dual) 88L; tap (of feet) 72R; of the Silver Feet 91L
felicitous 99R
fellow: clumsy fellow 33L
female 77L; female sex 77R; female cousin 36R
feminine 77L
femininity 77L
fence 87R
fence in 73L (90L)
fenced enclosure 48L
fenced in 73L (90L)
Fentor 38L, 95R, 96L
fern 38L
festival 44L
fetch 95L
few 59L
field 32L; hedged field 73L; north fields 75L; a field-spirit 66L
fiend 79L
fierce (of beasts) 79L; fierce hatred 85L
fiery 81L, 98R
file 79L
fill 78L
filter (of light) 83L
filth 63L
filthy 63L
final 91L
find 55L
fine 92R, (Gnomish:) 53L; fine flour 63L; fine hair 38L; fine powder 63L; fine rain 92R; fine snow 66L, 66R; full of fine showers 92R
finger 53L, 91R; having fingers 91R
fingered: light fingered 89L, taper fingered 89L
finish 91L
finished 45L
Fionwe 44L, 98R
fir 86R, 87L; fir or pine 29R
fire 98R; fire (especially in temples, etc.) 81L; artificial fire 75R; catch fire 96L; having fire 98R; like fire 98R; set fire to 75R; fire-red 81L; fireside 32L; firewood 96L; fire demon, fire-demon, kind of fire demon 32R, 60R, 101R
firm 88L, 95L; make firm 93R
first: Melko's first dwelling 99L; first half of Avestalis (January) 36R
fish 43R, 97L; goldfish 49L; silverfish 91L; catch (fish) 98L
fishlike 97L
fit in 53L
five 52R
fix 88L, 95L
fixed 88L
flageolet 84L
flagon 97L
flame 75R
flap 51R, 76R
flash (noun and verb) 104L
flat 71R; flat hill 94L; hill with a flat top 94L; the flat 71R; flat of hand 74R; strike (esp. with flat hand) 74R
flavour 49R
flay 80L
fleece 71R, 97L
fleeting 56R
flesh 48R, 61L; flesh, living flesh 86R; flesh-meat 39R
fleshly 39R
fleshy 86R
flicker 83L
flies (see fly): Cluster of silver flies (Pleiades) 43R; bite (of flies) 43R
fling 47L; I fling 39R
flint 83R
flinty 83R
float 57L, 104L
flock 50R; flock (often of small birds) 41R; flock of sheep 32R
flog 80L
flood 57L
floor: ground floor 90L
Flosibron 85R
flour: fine flour 63L
flourish 52L, 74R
flourishing 55R
flow 46L, 54R, 57L, 65R, 84L; flow or run smoothly 54L; flow fast 97R
flower 55R, 56L; large single flowers - see bloom; flowers in bunches or clusters 55L; small flower 92L; flower-cluster 55L; flower-fairy 68L; flower-broidered, broidered with flowers 56L; put forth leaves or flowers 55L; Queen of Flowers 96L; flower-Valar 68L; ); foamflower 104L (104R)
flowering 55R
flowing 84L; flowing cloth 51L; flowing hair 60L
fluff 54L
flute 84L
fluter 92L
fly 104L; small fly 43R; fly-bite 43R; Cluster of silver flies (Pleiades) 43R; bite (of flies) 43R Foalôke 38R
foam 37L, 72L, 75R, 104L (104R); foamflower 104L (104R)
foaming (of the sea) 72L
fodder 66L
fog 41L, 78R, 98R
folds: fall (of folds, clusters, etc.) 74L
folk 41L, 53R, 66R; the folk 53R; happy folk 99R; folk moot 53R
foment 57L
food 59R, 66L, (Gnomish:) 64L; animal food 60L; vegetable food 60L
fool 33L
foot 88L, 88R
footed 88L
for knitting 78L
ford 89L
forearm 69R
foreign 57R, 100L
foreigner 100L
foremost 66R
forest 90L
forge 88R
form 89L
fort 48L
forth (adv.) 99L; gone forth 99L
fortified enclosure: dwelling within a fortified enclosure 48L
fortunate 99R
fortune 63L, (Gnomish:) 103L; good fortune 99R; piece of fortune 55L
foundation 90L; foundations 93R
fountain 35L, 46L, 100L
four 65R
fowl: barn fowl 75L
fragrance 68L
fragrant 68L
frail 56R
fray (Gnomish) 103L
free 37R, (Gnomish:) 102L; set free 37R
freedom 37R
freeman 37R
freeze (it freezes) 39R
fresh 52L, 96R; fresh green 96R
fringe 90L; (tasseled) fringe 37R
from: away from 33R
front: in front 66R
frost 80L
frosty: twinkling as of frosty stars 92R
froth 104L (104R)
frozen 39R
fruit 59L, 105R; ripe fruit (Gnomish) 63R; fruit of the gooseberry type (squashy, with seeds) 61L; fruit tree 59L; bear fruit 94R, 95L, 105R
fry 84L
fuel 96L
Fui 40R, 58R, 68R
full 78L; full of blossom 56L; full of fine showers 92R; full of grace 55L; full of wind 86R
fur 102L; like fur 102L; of fur 102L
furl 94L
furrow 80L
future 66R
gain a living 52L
gale: great gale 102R
galled 86R
gallop 56L
game (play) 49R
game (things preyed on) 79L
Gar Lassion 51R
garden 87R
gas-bag 76L
gate: gates of the Sun 71L; Sun when she issues from her white gate(s) 71L
gather 32R, 47L; (intransitive) 53L
gathering 53L
gauntlet 57R
gaze 105R; gaze at 93L
gem 83R, 85L; sparkle as with gems 85L
gemmed 83R, 85L
gentle 30R, 54L, 54R, 101R
Germans 44R
Germany 44R
get 55L, 66L, 96R; get by lot or luck 55L; get by stealth 64R; get hence! 33R; get low (of sun) 68L; get mellow 59L; get out 98R; get ready 59L; get ripe 59L; get smell of 37R; get to understand 73L
ghost: Holy Ghost 81L
giant (noun) 34R, 44R, 70R, 97L
gift 31L
Gil 92R
Gilthavran, Gilthauran 103L
Gilweth 42R, 92R
gimlet 91R
gird 78L
girdle 78L
girdled 78L
girl 60R, 103R
Githil 43R
give 94R; give, gives 31L; give (me)! 31L; give into one's hands 72R; give birth to 66R; give instructions to 72R; give maim to 58R; give suck; give to drink 85R; give to eat 43R; give to feed 66L; giving pain 58R
giver 31L
Glamhoth 85L
glance 105R
glass 88R, (Gnomish:) 91L; little glass 54R; made of glass 88R; tiny glass, tiny (fay-)glass 54R
glassy 88R
gleam (verb:) 83L, (noun:) 45R, 85L
Glend 53L
glib 77L
glimmer (noun) 92L
glint (noun:) 42L, (verb and noun:) 83L, 104L; glint in the dark (name of Arcturus) 62R
glister 85L
glittering 104L
globe-shaped 47R
gloom 51R, 55R, 105L; child of gloom 55R; Gloom-weaver (Gnomish) 103R-104L; lower regions of gloom and dark in the North 99L
gloomy 51R, 105L
Glorvent 101L
gloss 71R
glossiness 71R
glossy 42L, 51R, 71R, 83L, 86R; glossy hair 86R
glove 57R
glowing 57L
glutton 52L
gnome 65L, 67L (see also 92L); gnome-land 67L; belonging to gnomes 67L
go athwart 89L; go away 33R; go dazed 37R; go down 87L; go in search of 95L; go smoothly 67R; go through 73L
goat (she-goat) 68R; cry of goat or sheep 68R
goblin 44R, 65L, 85L, (adj.:) 67L; goblin-land 67L
God 34L; God Almighty 35R; mystic name of God 43L; a God (Gnomish) 58L, 69R, 86R, 99L, 102R, 105L; a god (Gnomish) 99R; a pagan god (/goddess) 34L; God of battle 58L; God of Evil 60R; God of Sea 70L; the god who judged the dead elves and gnomes (Gnomish) 64L; drink of gods 61R; herald of the Gods 67R; messenger of the Gods (Gnomish) 67R
goddess (a pagan goddess) 34L
going 33R; going down (adj.) 87L; going-down (noun) 87L
gold 49L, 51R; of gold 49L; gold light 33R; a piece of gold 49L; gold-coin 49L; goldfish 49L
golden 33R, 49L, 51R; the Golden Book 72L
Goldothrim 85L
Goldriel 67L
Gondolin 70L
gone: nearly gone 33R; gone by 73L; gone forth 99L; gone on the road [or: gone, on the road] 99L
gong 94L
good 57R; good (moral) 58R; good at expression 77L; good fortune 99R; good luck (Gnomish) 99R; good name 34L; good to eat 59R; wizardry of the good magic 49L; having a good "hand" 90R
goodness 74R
goods 33R; pedlar-goods 76R; to hawk goods 76R
goose 105L
gooseberries 61L; fruit of the gooseberry type (squashy, with seeds) 61L
gore 60R
Goros 48L
gospel 36R
gossamer 38L
gossip 68R
Gothmog 48L, 62R
govern 102L (104R)
grab 79L
grace 54R, 55L; full of grace 55L
grain 70R; grain of seed 61L; coarse grain or powder 63L
grandfather 39R
grandmother 39R
grasp 31R, 57R, 91R
grass 66L, 84R; edging of grass 80L; any rise standing alone in water, plain of grass, etc. 94L
grave 45R
graze 66L
grease 51L, 62L
greasy 51L, 74R
great 100R; Great Bear (constellation - the Elvish name has a wholly different meaning) 47L; great chain (forged by Aulë) 34R; great dog 49L; great end 91R; great gale 102R; great hammer 94R; great hunter 71L; great longing 60L; great period 102L; great system of roots 94R; great table 71R; great tree 90L; suffer great anguish 73R
greatly 100R
green 52L, 52R, 71R, 96R; pale bluish green 83R; pale green 83R; fresh green (of plants, not colour) 96R; plain of green 94L
grief 69L, 74L
grieve 65L
grievous 65L
grin (verb and noun) 61R
grind 63L, 63R
grip 57R
grit 32L, 63L
gross (the number 144) 95L
grossness 38R
ground (noun) 39L; ground floor 90L; on the ground 39L; to the ground 39L
grow 96R (81L); grow fat 74R
growl (noun) 68R; growl (of dogs) (verb) 68R
grown: alder-grown 97R
grumble 68R
guard (verb) 47R, 76R (104L), 93L
guess (verb) 64R, 65L
guilt 43R
gulf 38L
gullet 46L
gully 47L
Gulma 97R, 100R
gum 56R, 86R, 87L, 101L
Gungliont 98L
guns: noise of drums (or guns) 94R
Gurtholfin 81R, 104R
gush 97R
Gwann 100L
Gwannuin, Gwannwin 100L
Gwâr 48L
Gwarbilin 104L
Gwedhiling (< Gwendeling) 103R
Gwerlum 103R
Gwî 100R
Gwilfa 101R
Gwithil (i-Durinthi) 96L
ha! (etc.) 34L
habit 84L
habitual 84R
hail! 34L
hair 92R; camel's hair 97R; fine hair 38L; flowing hair 60L; glossy hair 86R; lock of hair 38R; tress of hair 83L; long-haired 31L
hairy 92R
hall 81R; hall of Mandos (Gnomish) 100R; hall of the Moon King (Gnomish) 103L
-ham 60R
hamlet 71L, 81L
hammer (noun) 32R, 73R, 89R; a great hammer 94R; hammer (verb) 94R
hand 57R; pair of hands 57R; left (hand) 52R; palm of hand 74R; flat of hand 74R; having a good "hand" 90R; give into one's hands 72R; having hands 57R; handy (skilled with hands) 57R; being near at hand 72R; feel with the hand 94L; strike (esp. with flat hand) 74R; left handed 57R
handle 94L; handle hastily 79L
handle, loop, ring, etc. for holding 31R; handle of jar 98L
handling (noun) 94L
hang (intransitive:) 47L, 57L, 74L, 77R; (transitive:) 47L
hanging tail 74L
hank (of wool, etc.) 45R
hap 35R, 55L, 66L
happen ("it happens") 63L
happening 55L
happiness 99R, (Gnomish:) 103L; Valar [read: Vala] of Spring and Happiness 99R
happy 99R; happy folk 99R; one of the Happy Folk (= Vala) 30R
harbour 47R
hard 70L, 81R
hardship 47R
hare (young hare) 51L
harp (noun) 45L; large harp 45L; small harp 45L, 81R; harp-playing 81R; play harp 45L; thrum (of strings, harps, etc.) 77R
harping 45L, 81R, 84R, 102L
harvest 84R; Harvest 105R
Harwalien 39R
Harwalin 39R
hastily: handle hastily 79L
hat: put hat on 95R; having hat on 95R
hate 62R, 85L, 90L
hated 90L
hateful 85L
hatred 90L; fierce hatred 85L
hauberk 30L
haughty 96L
have 62L; have a cold 66R; have an inkling of 64R; have life 48R; have power 40L, 96L; have strength 75L, 96L; look! (what I have) 41R
haven 47R
having: having possession of 57R; having fingers 91R; having fire 98R; having hands 57R; having a good "hand" 90R; having hat on 95R; having many beeches 53R; having a lid 95R; having many poplars 53R; having many stars 53R, 92R; having oak-leaves 67R; having a roof 90R; having speech 77L; having tresses 83R; having wings 78R
hawk goods 76R
haws 74L
hawthorn 35L, 74L, 87R; the fruit of hawthorns 74L
hay 84R
hazel 48R
hazy notion 37R
head 45R, 67L; of the head 45R; head- (prefix) 45R; a cold in head 66R; a head of cattle 105L; a head of cattle or sheep 50R
headlong movement 39R
heap (noun) 49L, 78R; heap up 49L
hear 93R, 98L; able to hear 93R
hearing 93R, 98L
heart 35R, 40R, 52R; stoutness of heart 65R; Eyes of Heartsease 39R
hearth 32L, 75R
hearty 57L
heat (tropic heat) 94R
heath 50R
heather 70R
heave 85R
heavens 42L; Swordsman of Heaven (Orion) 90R; Warrior of Heaven 88L
heavenly: Heavenly Father 42L; setting of heavenly bodies 87L
heavy 88L
hedge 35L, 73L, 87R
hedged field 73L
height 70R
Helinyen 39R
Helinyetille 39R
hell 99L; Hell, hell 59L; Hells of Iron 31L
helm, helmet 45R; with helm on 45R
hen 69L
hence (adv.) 99L; get hence 33R
herald of the Gods 67R
herb 66L
herd 50R; herdsman 50R
here: here and there 80R cf. 80L, here by us 41R, here it is 41R
hero 62R, (Gnomish:) 60L
hew 38R, 49R, 73L
hidden 38R, 39L; dark or hidden 95R
hide 38R, 55R, 62R
high 87R; high above 87R; high peak 86L; high up 30R; placed high 30R; speak high 77R; high-summer 33R; high St., Highstreet 90R
Hilary 30R
hill 30R, 67L, 70R; flat hill, hill with a flat top 94L; round hill 67L; isolated round hill 94L; sunrising-hill 44L; hill-crest over which Sun rises 44L; hilltop 70R; a city on a hill 93L, 48L; town on (a) hill 94L; town of the round Hill 48L; hill-fortress enclosure 48L
hinder 75R
hinged: small hinged door 51R
hint 65L
hip 71L
hips (berries) 44R
Hisilóme 55R
Hisinan 70R
hit 51L
hive 41R, 65L
hoard 38R, 78R
hold 31R, 57R, (esp. of liquids:) 47L
holding: loop, handle, ring, etc. for holding 31R
hole 29L, 82L
hollow (adj.) 80R, 82L, hollow (noun, = cave) 80R; hollow cylinder 74R, 80R; hollow ring 105L; sound hollow 105L; swell (with idea of hollowness) 95L
holly 74L
holm oak 67R
holy 34L; holy berry 34L; Holy Ghost 81L; Holy soul 58R
home 46L, 60R, (Gnomish:) 63R; at home 43L; I thrust home 42L
homely 43L
homestead 71L
honey 65L; honey bee 65L; honey(-comb), honeycomb 65L
honour 34L
hook (noun) 53L; pothook 98L
hook into 98L
hooked (as a tendril) 53L
horde 41L
horn 54L, 89R, 95R; curled horn 54L; large horn 95L; blowing of horns 54L; sound of hunting horns 79L
horned 57R, 89R
horse 56L; horse or mare 56L
hose: nozzle of hose 92R
host 41L
hot 81L, 98R; it is hot 81L; blazing hot 94R, 98R; hot water 86L
hour: 24 hrs. 56R; 12 hours 44L
house 43L, 71L, 81R; master of house 43L; 1 of the royal house of the Eldar 42R
huckster 76R
hue 77L; of the hue of night 62R
-hued 77L
huge burden 88R
hum: run smoothly and hum 67R
human: human nose 86R, run (of human beings) 56L
hump up 49L
humpback 45R
humped 45R
hundred 95L; hundred and forty-four 95L
hunger 82R
hungry 82R; I am hungry 82R
hunt (verb) 79L, (noun) 79R
hunter with bloody arms 60R; great hunter 71L
hunting 79L, 79R; sound of hunting horns 79L
hurl 39R
hurrah! 29R
hurt 58R, 63R, 65L
hurtful 58R
husband 65R, 101L; husband, lord husband 40L
hush 78L
hushed 78L
ice (in icicles, etc) 39R; ice-cold 39R
icicle 54R
idea 35R, 91R; imaginary idea 37R
identical 42R
idle talk 68R
idly: talk idly 68R
idol 48L
Idril 91L
if you please 43L
Ifon Cîmir 72L
Il 92R
ilex 67R
ill 53L, 78L; am ill 76L; ill-tempered 64R; bark ill-temperedly 105L
illuminate 44L
Ilterendi 91R
Ilu 101R
Ilúvatar 34L, 42L
Ilweran 77R
Im 43R
imaginary idea 37R
imitate 42R, 82R
imitation 82R
immoderation 38R
immoral king 97R
imperative 102L
important 102L
importunate 90R
in 42R, 61L; in addition 32L; in front 66R; in manner of 82R; in multitudes 42L; in power 96L; in the language of the Eldar 35L; in the west 68L
incline (transitive) 93R
increase 69R, 106L
individual: passive individual 47R
indoors 43L
Indorion 106R
inessive ending ("old adverbial inessive") 56R
inflammable 96L
infliction 72R
Ing 72L
Ingil 42R
Ingilmo 38L, 42R
Ingilnòre 42R
inhabitant 52L
inhabited world 43L
inhabiting 52L
inkling: have an inkling 64R
inner thought
innuendo 65L
inside 42R; inside of the mouth (Gnomish) 64L
instructions: give instructions to 72R
intend 72L
intensive prefix 81L
into 61L
invalid 78L
inwards 42R, 61L
Inwe 40L, 42R, 43R
Inweg 43R
Inweli 36L
Inwelin 104R
Inwenóre 36L (see Inwenóre)
Inwilis 42R
Inwinor 36R
Inwinóre 42R, 48L; a western town of Inwinóre 36R
Ion (mystic name of God) 43L
Ireland 43R
iron 31L, 36L, 94R; pig iron 105R; like iron 94R, 105R; of iron 31L, 94R, 105R; Mountains of Iron 31L
irritate 43R
is: is able 95R; here it is 41R; it is not 98L
Isil 43R
Isilinwe 43R
Isilmo 43R
island 94L
isle 94L
isolated 36L; isolated round hill 94L
issue 98R
isthmus 105R
it: it does not 98L; it is not 98L; here it is 41R
itch 43R
itching 43R
Itselokte 43R
ivy 36R
jackal 82L
jacket 100R
jangling or ringing of (large) bells 46R
January 29L, 56R; first half of Avestalis (January) 36R; second half of Avestalis (January) 36R
jar (Gnomish) 97L; earthen jar 46R
jaw 31R, 60L
jerk (verb) 47L
jet 46L
jingling of (small) bells 46R
join 105R (106L); join together 53L
joined tight 78L
joint 53L, 71L
joy: Valsi of dancing, joy, spring, life & beauty 100L
juice 74R, 101R (101L); ripe juice 63L
juicy 63L
jump (noun) 45L; jump (verb, "I jump") 45L
Jupiter 83R; Juppiter 62R, 83L
Kalmo 44L
Kalormë 70R
Kampo 45L
Kaukareldar 45R
keen 38L; keen of sight 82R
keep 47R, 50R, 62L, 93L; keep warm 57L
Kelusindi 46L
Kémi 46R
kernel 75L
kin 66R, 79R; of same kin or clan 79R; kinsman 79R; kinswoman 79R
kind 30R, 54L, 66R; a kind of fire demon 101R; a kind of wine 97R
kindle 44L, kindle 96L
kindred 79R, ("in the wide sense":) 36R; one of the Elfkindreds (Teler) 91L
king 95R, 96L, 102L; the ancient king of the fairies 42R; an immoral king 97R; King of dreams 56L; King of Eagles 79L, 86L; hall of the Moon King (Gnomish) 103L; Palace of Moon King 48L
kingdom 95R
kingly 96L
kinship 79R
kinsman 79R; kinswoman 79R
kiss (verb and noun) 61R; little or tender kiss 61R
kissing 61R
knee 70R
knew (he knew) 85L
knit 78R; for knitting 78R; stitch in knitting 78L; knitting needle(s) 78L
knitted 78L
knob 75R, 94L
knock 71L, 73R
knot - tie knot (Gnomish) 55L
know 29L, 43L, 67L, 67R, 91R; he knew 85L
knowing 91R
knowledge 43L, 67L, 91R
Koivië-néni 48R
Kópas 47R
Kor 48L (= main reference), 35L, 48L; Kôr 48L; Kóre 42R
Kormas 36R, 48L
Kormot 48L, 62R
Koromas 48L
Korosintl, Korosintil 48L
Kortirion 48L, 93L
Kosomot 48L, 62R
laburnum 54R
lack 59L, 71R
lacking 59L
lade 88R
laden 49L
Lady, lady 40L, (Gnomish:) 77R; lady of long tresses (= silver birch) 83R
læne 56R
lake 29L, 29R
lamb 36R
lament 68R, 69L, 84L
lamentation 69L, 84L
lamp 44L
land 46L, 66L, 67R; -land 60L; land (or valley) of the Elves 91L; native land 66R; land of barbarians 44R; land of desert 32L; Land of Elms 29R; land of ogres 44R; land of the brown men 103L; Land of Twilight 40R
language 77L; language of the Eldar 35L
languid 77R
languor 77R
languorous 77R
lapis lazuli 66L
larch 38L, 74L
large 37L, 97R, 106L; enlarge 106L; large bell 46R; large harp 45L; large horn 95L; large poppy 44R; large saw 48R; large single flowers - see bloom; large sword 38R; ringing or jangling of (large) bells 46R
last (adj.) 91L, 91R
last (verb) 47R, 73L
lasting 73R
late 91R
lathe 91R
lather 75R
laugh 44L; I laugh 44L
laughter 44L; ripple of laughter 61R
law: unlawfully 64R
lawn 71R
lay 54R; lay down 44R; lay up in secret 38R
layers: middle layers (of the air) 42L
lead (metal) 44R; of lead 44R; leaden 44R
lead (precise meaning uncertain, seems to be a noun, evidently not the same as the above - hence "act of leading"?) 68L
lead a life 52L
leaden 44R
leading 66R
leaf 51L, (esp. of book:) 72L; small leaf 72L; put forth leaves or flowers 55L; with leaves 51L; having oak-leaves 67R
leafy 51L
lean 38L
leap 39L, 45L
leaper 45L
leaping 39L, 45L
leather (dressed leather) 30L
leave 33R
left 53L; left (hand) 52R; left handed 57R; lefthand, lefthanded 52R
leg 73L; leg of chair, etc. 93R; calf of leg 74R; daddy-long-legs 53L
legal action 48L
legend 68R; the collected book of Legends 72L
legerdemain 57R
leprawns 92L
less: make less 61R
lessen 61R
letter 90R
level (adj.) 36L, 50R, 51R, 71R
leveret (young hare) 51L
liberality 31L
lick 51R, 84R; lick up 84R
lid 51R, 95R; having a lid 95R; put lid on 95R
lie (lie horizontally, not "tell a lie") 46L; lie (of country) 50R; lie at edge 80L; lie down 44R; lie low 41L; lie quiet 46L
life 48R, 52L; new life 52L; wedded life 46L; have life 48R; lead a life 52L; mode of life 52L; spend one's life 48R; Valsi of dancing, joy, spring, life & beauty 100L
lifting 30R
light 44L, 101R; (day)light 44L; an (artificial) light 44L; shining light 92L; light fingered 89L; light on 55L; ray of moonlight 83L; light snow 43R; light up 44L; set light to 44L; Child of day or light 44L; filter (of light) 83L
like (prep.) 82R, 101L; like (adj., = "similar") 101L; make like 42R, 82R; something like 82R; like a sailor 105L; like fire 98R; like fur 102L; like iron 94R, 105R; like wine 61R
likelihood 85L
liken 82R
lily 68L; Lily of the Valley 77R; sweet lily 68L; water lily 29L, 29R; pool of lilies 65R; a fairy who dwelt in a lily on a pool 29L
limb 53L
limpidity 54R
line 68R, 80L, 90R; line of seeds planted 80L; mark in parallel lines 80L
linger 63R
lion 79R
lip 46R; 80L; lips (the two lips) 72R
liquid 84L; contain (esp. of liquids) 47L; hold (esp. of liquids) 47L
Lirillion 36R
Lirillo 54R
lissom 91R
lithe 91R
litter of pups, cubs, etc. 82L
little: little doll 94L; little drop 54R; little elf 91L; little fairy 42R; little glass 54R; little maid 92L; little or tender kiss 61R; little thing 73R; little woman 77L
live 63R
lively 48R; livelihood 52L; liveliness 48R
liver 52R
living 48R; living being 48R; living beside (wedded life) 46L; living flesh 86R; living thing 48R, 52L; gain a living 52L
load 49L, 88R
loaf 48L, 59R
loan: granted as a loan 56R
loathing 64R, (Gnomish:) 85L
loathsome 64R
lock of hair 38R
loftiness 70R
lofty 30R, 70R, 87R, 88L; Lofty snowcap 87R
lonely 36L; Lonely Isle 42R, 94L
long (adj.) 31L, 32L, 53L; long and thin 53L; age long 102L; long thin point 47R; long-grass 31L; long-haired 31L; long-legs 53L; long-tress 53L; long-tressed 31L; lady of long tresses 83R
long exceedingly after 60L
longing (great longing) 60L
look 29R; look! (what I have) 41R; look (at what you have)! 34R; look at 93L, 105R; look for 81L, 95L; look lumpy 49L
loom 103R
loop 78L, 98L; loop, handle, ring, etc. for holding 31R
lop 56L
Lord 62L; lord husband 40L; Lord of Cats 90L; Lord of Outer seas and of all waters (Gnomish) 97R; Lord of Valar 58R; Lord of Winds 86R
lordly 62L
lordship 40L, 57R, 62L
lore 43L; ancient lore (Gnomish) 67R; deep lore 67R
Lôrian Olofantur 37R
Lôrien 56L
lost 99L
lot 55L, 63L; get by lot or luck 55L
Lotesse 36R; Lotisse 36L, 36R
loud: load sneeze 41L, sound loud 78R
love (verb and noun) 60R; Vali of love, music, beauty and purity 36L; 40L
lovely 60R, 99R
low 41L; lie low 41L
lower 57L; lower air (3rd layer) 101R; lower regions 99L; lower regions of gloom and dark in the North, Melko's first dwelling 99L
lowering: lowering cloud 57L; lowering darkness 105L
lowly 41L, 66R
luck 55L, 66L; get by lot or luck 55L; piece of luck 63L
lump 49L, 50L, 75R, 94L
lumpy: look lumpy 49L
lunar month 56R
luogo di attesa di spirit(i) disincarnati 58R
lurid 47L
lurk (verbs having this meaning while used intransitively) 55R, 62R
lush 86R
lyre 77R, 81R; music of lyres 81R
machine 35R
made of glass 88R; made of planks 82L; made of spray 92R
magic 49L, 49R; bad magic 38L; wizardry of the good magic 49L
magnify 69R, 100R
Magorn 60R
maid 32L, 92L, 103R; little maid 92L; maidhair fern 35L
maiden 92L; maidenhair fern 35L
maidenhood 103R
maidenly 92L
maidhair fern 35L
maim: give maim to 58R
Maiwe 60L
Makar 79L
make 45L, 89L; make clean 75R; make eat 43R; make firm 93R; make less 61R; make like 82R; make marks 90R; make obeisance 45R; make sit 43R; make slope 93R; make spin 77R; make swell 76L; make totter 93R; make twang 45L; make wander 71R; making a plash or rush 100L
male (noun) 96L; male (noun, adj) 31R; male cousin 36R; male descendant 106R
malicious comment 65L
Malkarauke 101R
Malko 40L
Malmaurion 69R
man 62R, 65R; Men (as opposed to other beings) 43L; Men 41R; men in general 31R; bad, wicked man 97R; fat man 37L; kinsman 79R; northern man 75L; uncivilized man 44R; land of the brown men 103L; dwelling of men 60L
Mandor 99L
Mandos 58R, 63R, 100R; Mandos Vefantur 37R
mane 60L
manhood 31R
Mánir 58R
manliness 31R
manly 65R
manner: in manner of 82R
mannikin 94L
manure 63L
Manwe 36R, 58L, 86R, 102R; Manwe Sûlimo 102L; dwelling of Manwe 88R, 101R
many 42L, 53R, 53R, 69R; having many stars 92R; many-starred 53R; many-swallows of autumn 53R
maple (sycamore maple) 71R, 72L cf. 57R
marble 30L; of marble 30L; like marble 30L
March 56R
mare 56L; horse or mare 56L
margin 80L
mariner 100R, 105L
mark (noun) 60R, 68R, 90R; mark (transitive verb) 90R; mark in parallel lines 80L
marriage 46L; state of marriage 101L; marriage-bed 46L
martial ardour 48L
martyr (m. and f.) 34L; we indeed endure things but the martyrs endured and to the end 73R (80R)
masculine 31R
masculinity 31R
mass 50L; tight mass 81R
mast 50L
master of house 43L
match 96L; strike match 103L
matter (noun:) 102L, (Gnomish:) 64L; matter disputed 48L; sticky matter 56R, 87L; matter (verb:) it matters 102L
mature 59L
mauve 39R
May 44L, 56L, 56R
me: this by me 46R
mead 36L, 66L; water mead 66L
meadow 52L, 52R
meal 59R; meal time 59R
mean 72L; meant 72L
Measse 79R; Measse, Meássë 60R
measure 88R
meat: flesh-meat 39R; salt meat 94R; tender (of meat, substances, etc.) 58L
Mechos 60R
Mechothli 60R
Melko 60R, 106L, 97L; one of the Q names of Melko 99L; Melko's demons 60R; Melko's first dwelling 99L
mellow 63R; get mellow 59L
melodious 54R
melody 54R
melt 92R
melting 92R; melting snow 93L
memory 62L
memoryful 62L
Men 41R; Men (as opposed to other beings) 43L; men in general 31R; dwelling of men 60L
merchant 99R
mer-child 70L
Meril i Turinqi 96L
mermaid 70L, 72L, 75R; Queen of Mermaids 97L
mesh 58L
messenger of the Gods (Gnomish) 67R
metal 36L, 83R, 85L, (Gnomish:) 105R
metallic 83R, 85L
method 35R
middle (adj.) 60R, 94L; middle layers (of the air) 42L
mid-summer's day 33R
might 95R, 96L
mighty 57R, 95R; (Gnomish) 100R; mighty tower 93L
milch cow 105L
milk 42L; to "turn" milk 50L
milky 42L
mill 63L, 63R
miller 63L, 63R
minaret 93L
mind 29L; absent-minded 37R; mindfulness 62L
mine 83R
mineral 83R, 85L
Minethlos 61R
mingere (Latin: "urinate") 62L
Miruvor 61R
mis- (prefix) 97R
misdeed 97R
miserable 34R
misery 34R
mislike ("it mislikes [me]") 64R
missionary (Christian missionary) 36R
mist 78R, (Gnomish:) 98R
misty 59R
mite 73R
moaning 86R
moat 41L, (Gnomish:) 71L; wall & moat 71L; outer wall with moat 41L mode of life 52L
model on 82R
moist 63L
moisture 63L
mole 65L, 67L
moment: it is moment 102L; of moment 102L
monastery 31R
money 33R
monk, monks 31R
monotony 102L; monotonous repetition 45L
monster 38R, 44R, 70R, 97L, 98L, 99R
monstrosity 38R
monstrous 38R, 97L
month, lunar month 56R
monument: stone monument 70L
moon 83L; Moon 83L, 83R; Orbéd Moon 83L; Crescent Moon 49R; orb of Moon 80L; setting of stars, moon, sun, etc. 87L; Palace of Moon King 48L; hall of the Moon King (Gnomish) 103L; ray of moonlight 83L
moor 50R
moot (folk moot) 53R
moral: good (moral) 58R
Mordo 60L, 62R
more (Gnomish) 106L
Mornië 63L
morning 44L; tomorrow morning 34R; morning or evening star 34R; red sky in morning 47L
Morwinthi 63L
Morwinyon 62R, 104L
mote 73R
moth 58L
mother 30L; childish word for mother 30L
motive 43R
mountain 88L; mountain peak 87R; mountain side 80R; pass in mountains 38R
mouth 72R; the closed mouth 72R; mouth (inside) 59R; the inside of the mouth (Gnomish) 64L
move 95L, (intransitive:) 95L; move in a slouching manner 56L; move with short irregular bounds 56L
movement (headlong movement) 39R
mow 41R, 84R; mow down 84R
much 69R, (noun:) 69R; much roaring 53R; too much 60L
muck 63L
mud 56R
multiplicative prefix 53R
multiplicative suffix 53R
multiply (transitive and intransitive) 69R
multitudes: in multitudes 42L
murk 38R, 41L, 41R, 103R
murky 41L
murmur 78L
murmuring (noun and adj.) 78L
muscular 75L
mushroom 90R
music 54R, 81R; music of lyres 81R; Vali of love, music, beauty and purity 36L; 40L
musical voice 54R
mystic name: of the Holy Ghost 81L, of God 43L, of silver 42L
nail 88L
naked 37L, 41L
name (noun) 35R; good name 34L; by name 35R; mystic names: of the Holy Ghost 81L, of God 43L, of silver 42L; name of a place ("north fields") 75L; name of Turambar's sword 81R; a name of the Sun 44L; names of Aule 88R
named 35R
Nandini 64R
Nardi 68L
narrow 38L, 47R, 53L, 53L; narrows 38L
nasty 64R
nation 66R
native land 66R
naughty 78R
nausea 76L
near 39L, 89L; being near at hand 72R; nearest consanguinity 40L; nearly gone 33R
neck 105R
nectar 61R
needle 65R; knitting needle(s) 78L; pine-needle 41L
negation prefix 41R; negative prefix 97L
negative particle 29R
neighbour (verb) 80L; people of the neighbourhood 52L; neighbouring 80L
nephew 38R, 87R
Nermi, Nermir 66L
net 58L
new: new life 52L, new shoots 96R
next 33L; be next to 89L; next (of time) 66R
nice 59R
Nielikki 68R
Nieliqi 68R, 69L
Nielíqui 54R, 69L
Niellune 65L; Niellúnë 65R
Nienna 69L
Nierninwe, Nierninwa 92R, 65L
night 41L, 62R; of the night 62R; tomorrow night 34R; of the hue of night 62R; Spider of Night 80R; of the day, opposite to night 44L
nightfall 62R
nightly 62R
nine 69R
Niqetil, Niqetilde 66R
noble 62L
nocturnal 62R
nod 76R
nodding plume 74L; nodding spray 76R
noise 56L, 79L; noise of drums (or guns) 94R; noise of wind 86R; rush, of both noise and speed (transitive and intransitive) 100L
Noldo 67L; Noldor 36L
Noldorin (masc. name) 36L, 54R, 65L, 67L
nook 104L
Nornore 67R
Nornoros 67R
norseman 75L
North 74R; lower regions of gloom and dark in the North, Melko's first dwelling 99L; north fields 75L
northern 74R; northern man 75L
Northlands 74R
Norway 74R
nose 61L, 73R; nose (human nose) 86R
nostril 86R; nostrils (dual) 86R
not: it is not, it does not 98L; not permanent 56R
notice 95R
notion 29L, 35R, 38L, 91R; hazy notion 37R
nourishment (Gnomish) 64L
now 49R
nozzle of hose 92R
nude 37L
number 53R, 78R, 90L
nun, nuns 77R
Núri 68R
nursery rhyme 68R; nursery story or rhyme 68R
nut 48R; nut-bearing 48R
nutty 48R
Nyelikki 44L, 68R, 69L
Nyenna (< Nyena) 68R
nymph 104L
o! 34L
oak 67R; oak-tree 67R; oak (in general) 67R; of oak 67R; holm oak 67R; having oak-leaves 67R
Oaritsi 78R
oaten 75L
oatmeal 75L
oats 75L
oaves: a word used of the oaves 33L
obeisance: make obeisance 45R
object 60R
observant 82R
observe 93L
occurrence: providential occurrence or thought (Gnomish) 99R
ocean 70L; the outer ocean 100R
odour 68L
of: of amber 58L; of fur 102L; of iron 94R, 105R; of oak 67R; of same kin or clan 79R; of silver 91L; of steel 105L; of the dawn 70R; of the hue of night 62R; of the night 62R; of the ruling dynasty 96L; of the Silver Feet 91L; of tin 51R; of wool 71R
offspring 40R
ogre 70R; Cannibal-ogres 86R; land of ogres 44R; region of ogres 70R
Ogresse (reading uncertain) 44R
ogresse 70R
oh! (etc.) 34L
oil 42L, 71R
oily 42L; shine oily 42L
ointment 71R
Olofantor 69R, 99R
Olóremalle 69R
omen 38R
omnipotence 70L
omnipresence 70L
omniscience 70L
on 70R, 87R; on (wall) 33L; on the ground 39L
Ondolinda 70L
one 36L, 61L; one's descendants 40R; one's ears 98L; 1 of the royal house of the Eldar 42R; winter one 40R
Ónen 97L
only 36L
ooze 46L, 60R, 63L, (Gnomish:) 97L
oozy 63L
open (verb) 29L, 34L, 72R; open (adj.) 29L, 50R, 51R, 72R; wide open 72R; open space 50R
opening 29L, 72R
oppress 88R
or 100L
orange (noun?) 49L; orange (adj.) 49L, (Gnomish:) 48R; orange-coloured 49L; orange-red 48R
orb 80L; Orb of the Moon 80L
orbed: Orbéd Moon 83L; orbed moon 83R; orbed Sun 98R
Orcin 85L
ordinary 84R
ore 36L, (Gnomish:) 105R
oriental plane 57R
origin 76R
original 76R
Orion (Telimektar) 35L, 90R
ork 70R
Orma 71L
Orome 71L, 79R
Osse 37L, 70L, 78R
Otha 37L, 70L
other 100L, (emended:) 102R
out 36L; get out 98R
outer 36L, 91R; outer ocean 100R; outer ring 79L; outer wall with moat 41L, (Gnomish:) 71L; Outer-Airs 100R; Outer Seas (Gnomish) 100R; Lord of Outer seas and of all waters (Gnomish) 97R
outermost 36L; outermost air beyond the world 100R
outlet 98R
outside 36L
outskirts 80L
outward 36L; outwards (adj.) 36L
oven 94R, 98R
over 69L, 73L, 99L
overcast 57L; overcast sky 51R
overfat 74R
overfed 74R
overture 29L
Ówen 70L, 97L
owl 40R
ox 89R, 105L
Oxford 89R
pack 47R (verb); pack tight 81R
pack of dogs 82R
pagan god 34L; pagan goddess 34L
pain (noun) 47R, 65L, 70L (66R), (Gnomish:) 64L; pain (verb?) 63R; it pains me 70L; giving pain 58R
painful 65L
pair of hands 57R
palace 95R, 96L; Palace of Moon King 48L
pale 43R, 58L; pale blue 83R; pale bluish green 83R; pale green 83R
pallid 53L
pallor 43R
palm of hand 74R
Palûrien 105R
Palurin 71R; Palurin, Palúrin 72L
Panna Kuluinen 72L-72R
Pan-pipes 75L
pansy 39R; of pansies 39R
papers 90R
parallel: mark in parallel lines 80L
parched 32L, 56R, 84L; be parched 33R
parchment 72L
Parma Kuluinen 72L
part 94R
partition 94R
pass (verb) 73L; time passes 56R; pass (noun) 73R; pass in mountains 38R
passage 73R, 89L
passed 73L
passim 80L
passing 33R
passive 47R; passive individual 47R
passivity 47R
past 73L, 99L
paste 56R
pasture 66L
path 99L; upward path 80R; path to Valinor 69R
patience 47R, 73R
patient 47R, 73R
paved way (Gnomish) 64L
pea 70R
peace 80R; (Gnomish:) 104L
peak (noun) 47R, 61L, 92R; a high peak 86L; mountain peak 87R
peal 46R
peapod 70R
pearl 59L, 59R, (Gnomish:) 63R
pease 62L
pebble 50R
peck (verb and noun) 43L, (verb:) 43R
pediment 93R
pedlar 76R; pedlar-goods 76R
peel 79L
Peksiporoku 73L
pellucid 54R
Pelúrien 72L
pen 90R
pen (not writing utensil, see above) 73L; pen in 73L
penalty 72R
penetrate 73L
pent 73L
people 41L, 53R, 66R; people of the neighbourhood 52L; people of the land (Gnomish) 67R
perceive 43L, 95R
perception, quickness of perception 95R
perdition 76R
perfumed 68L
period 56R; agelong period 73R; great period 102L
perish ("etc.") 76R
permanent: not permanent 56R
Person: 1st Person of Blessed Trinity 33L; 2nd Person of Blessed Trinity 43L
perspicacity 64R
pertaining to time 56R
perverse 78R
pestilence 78L
pestilent 78L
pestilential 78L
petal 51R
Phaethon 98R
pheasant 46L
phrase 77L
physical strength 75L
pick 49R
pickle, etc. 94R
piece 61R; piece of flesh 61L; piece of fortune 55L; piece of gold 49L; piece of luck 63L; silver piece 91L
-pied 77L
pierce 73L
piercing 91R, (Gnomish:) 50R
pig 75L; pig iron 105R
pile (noun and verb) 49L, 78R; pile up 49L, 78R; piles of stones 30R
pillar 87L, 90L; base of a pillar 87L; tall thin pillar 95L
pin 73R, 74R
pine 86R; pine (or fir) 29R; pine, stone pine 40R; pine-needle 41L
pinion (Gnomish) 78R, 100L
pink (Gnomish) 48R
pinnacle 86L
pinprick 43L; pin-prick 73R
pipe (noun and verb:) 84L, (noun:) 80R; shepherd's pipe 75L; Pan-pipes 75L; smoke at pipe 80R
piper 84L; Shoreland Piper 92L, Shoreland-pipers 85R
piping 84L
pirouetting (noun and adj.:) 74R, (adj.:) 103R
pit 65L
pivot 73L
place (verb) 46L, 86L; place (noun) 32L, 51L; wide places 32L; place of torment 99L; abiding place of disincarnate spirit(s) 58R; deserted place 32L; name of a place ("north fields") 75L; Shadow place 32R; behind (of place) 75L
placed high 30R
plain 36L, 71R; plain of green 94L; any rise standing alone in water, plain of grass, etc. 94L
plaintive 69L
plan (verb and noun) 35R, 72L
plane (the oriental plane) 71R, 72L cf. 57R
plane 36L; plane surface 71R
plank 82L
planned 72L
plant (verb, as shown by the pa.t. ristane) 80R; plant (noun) 52L, 80R; plant species 52L; line of seeds planted 80L
plash: making a plash or rush 100L
play (noun:) 49R, (verb:) 64L; play harp 45L
playing: playing of tunes 64L; harp-playing 81R
pleasant warmth 33R
please 43L
Pleiades 43R
plough (noun) 41R
plough through 41R
pluck 45R, 47L
plucking (noun) 45R
plum 74L; plum (etc.) 61L
plumage 74L
plume 76R; plume (of cock) 73L; nodding plume 74L
pod 70R, 100R
poem 54R; written poem 54R
point (noun) 47R, 65R, 92R; long thin point 47R; sharp (of points) 46R
pointed 47R, 93L
poison 40L
poisonous 40L
Poldórea 75L
pole 95L
Pómelaire 75L
pool: clear pool 54R; pool of lilies 65R; a fairy who dwelt in a lily on a pool 29L
poor 37R, 71R
poplar 50L; having many poplars 53R
poppy 39L, 44R; large poppy 44R; a fairy who lived in a poppy 92L
population 52L
porridge 75L
portent 38R
portion 94R
possess 62L, 63R
possession 57R; having possession of 57R
posterity 40R
pothook 98L
potter 46R
pound (verb) 62L, 63R
pour (intransitive) 97R; pour (transitive) 97R; pour out 97L
poverty 71R
powder: fine powder 63L, coarse grain or powder 63L
powdered 92R
powdery 63L
power 57R, 96L; have power 40L, 96L; in power 96L
powerful 57R, 96L
praise 69R
pray (as in "I beg/pray") 43L
precipice 29R
prepare 59R
prepense 72L
presence 72R
present 72R
preserve 93L, 94R
press 81R
prey 79R; beast of prey 79L
preying 79L, 79R
prick (verb:) 43L, 46R, 47R, 73R; (noun:) 47R
primeval whale 97L
prince 96L; Prince of Cats 61L
princess 96L; (Gnomish:) 102R
produce (verb) 94R, 95L, (Gnomish:) 105R; (noun:) 105R
profound 87L, 95R
progeny 40R
prop 93R
proper 99R
property 33R
propitious 99R
providential occurrence or thought (Gnomish) 99R
province 62L
puff (noun:) 76L, (verb:) 76L, 86R; puff out 76L; puff out with one's breath 76L
pull 47L, 79L, 90R
pulp 58L, 59L
pulverise 63L
punish 72R, 72R
punishment 72R
pupil 82R
puppet 94L
pups: litter of pups, cubs, etc. 82L
Purgatory 58R
Purification 86L, 86R
purify 86L
purity: Vali of love, music, beauty and purity 36L; 40L
purple cluster (wisteria) 39R
pursue 79L, 81L
push 47L
put: put hat on 95R; put lid on 95R; put to shame 65L; put to the test 49R; put forth leaves or flowers 55L
pyxies 92L
Qalvanda 99L
Qen (sg. of Qendi) 92L
Qorinómi 78R
quack 76L
quadrilateral 65R
quarrel (noun) 48L, (verb) 64R
queen, Queen 87R, 95R, 96L, 102L; (Gnomish:) 102R; Queen of Flowers 96L; Queen of Mermaids 97L; Queen of Stars 102L; Queen of the dark 38R; Queen of the Woodland Elves 103R
Queenly 96L
querulous 69L
question 56L
quickness of perception 95R
quiet 78L, (Gnomish:) 104L; be quiet 78L
quintuple 52R
quiver 100R
rabbit 51L
race (= a run) 106R
rain 98R; it rains 98R; fine rain 92R
rainbow 42L, 98R
raise (verb) 30R, 70R
Ramandor 79L
random: at random 80R cf. 80L
rap 72R
rapid 39R
rat-a-tat 72R
rattling (noun and adj.) 72R
Raustar 71L, 79R
Râvi 79R
ravine 38R
ravish 34L, 59L
ray 30L, 45R; ray of moonlight 83L; ray of sun 38R
reach 78R
ready 59R; ready for cutting 84R; get ready 59L
real 43R, (emended:) 102L
reap 47L, 47L
rear (noun) 75R; to bring up the rear 91L cf. 91R; rearward 75R
rear up 50L
reason (ultimate reason) 43R
rebound 94L
receive 96R
reckon 78R, 90L
recurrent 80L
red 48R, 83L; red-brown 83L; dark red 44R; orange-red 48R; wine-red 61R; red clover 44R; Red Hand 58L; red sky in morning 47L; redbreast 48R
reduce 44R
reduction 34L
reed 38L; reeds 55L
reek (intransitive) 106R; reek (verb and noun) 80R
reflect 50L
reflexive suffix 47R
refresh 52L
regard 95R; steadfast regard 93L
region 51L; lower regions 99L; region of ogres 70R; lower regions of gloom and dark in the North, Melko's first dwelling 99L
reign over 95R
reinforcement 93L
relate 68R
related 79R
release 36L, 37R
remain 36L, 39L, 39R, 60R; remain alone 36L
remaining 80R
remark: spiteful remark 64R
remember 62L
remembrance 62L
remind 62L; reminds one of 49R
reminding 62L
reminisce 50L
rend 85L, 97L
repay 72R
repetition 45L; monotonous repetition 45L; vain repetition 102L
request 43L
require 96R
requirement 43L
requite 72R
rescue 79R
resemblance 85L, 101L
resemble 101L; resemble closely 30R
resilient 94L
resin 86R, 87L, 101L
resinous 86R; resinous trees 86R
resounding 81R
responsibility 43R
rest (verb) 46L, 78L; rest (noun) (Gnomish) 104L
returning 80L
reveal 34L
revealing (noun) 72R
revelation 100R
revere 48L
revered 34L
reverence 34L
revolving 80L
rhyme: nursery rhyme 68R, nursery story or rhyme 68R
rich 33R, 51L, 62L, 86R, (of soil:) 74R; very rich 33R; rich in timber 96L; dark (rich) brown 94R
richness 74R
rid (adj.) (Gnomish) 102L
ride 67R
right 99R
rill: winding rill 103L
rim 87R
rime 80L
rind 79L
ring (verb) 46R, 64L, 105L
ring (noun): a hollow ring 105L; outer ring 79L; ring, loop, handle, etc. for holding 31R
Ringil 80L
ringing of bells 64L; ringing or jangling of (large) bells 46R
ripe 59L, 59R, 63R, (Gnomish:) 63R; get ripe 59L; ripe fruit (Gnomish:) 63R; ripe juice 63L
ripeness: come to ripeness 59L
ripple of laughter 61R
rippling 61R
rise (verb) 70R, 80R; hill-crest over which Sun rises 44L
rise standing alone in water, plain of grass, etc. 94L
risen (of the sun) 30R
rising (of the sun) 70R
river 46L, 65R, 84L; small river 103L; river near its source 84L; cross rivers etc. 89L
rivet 88L
road 90R, 99L, (Gnomish:) 64L; gone on the road [or: gone, on the road] 99L
roaring (much roaring) 53R
rob 73R
robber 73R
robbery 73R; robbery by violence 59L
robe 100R
robin 46R, 48R
rocky 29R
rod (thin rod) 74R
roll (noun) 94L
roll (transitive) 47R; roll (intransitive) 48L; roll up 47R; roll up 94L
roof (verb:) 95R; (noun:) 90R, 95R; having a roof 90R
roofed 90R, 95R
roofing 95R
room 51L, 81R; bed-room 46L
roomy 51L
rooster - see 73L
root 94R; great system of roots 94R
rose 56L; (Gnomish) 48R; wild-rose, wild rose 44R
rot (noun) 76R; rot (verb, intransitive) 76R
Rothbarin 96L
rotten 76R
round 47R, 80L, 103R; round hill 67L; all round 80L; be round 48L; isolated round hill 94L; town of the round Hill 48L
route 90R
row 80L; row of spikes or teeth 48R; row of teeth 49L; the two rows of teeth (Gnomish) 64L
royal 96L; 1 of the royal house of the Eldar 42R
Ruamóre 80R, 81L
rub 71R, 103L
ruin 76R
rule (verb) 40L, 102L (104R); (emended) 104R; rule over 95R
ruling: of the ruling dynasty 96L
rumour 65L
run (noun:) 106R; (verb:) 46L, 67R, 73L, 79R, 106R; run (of animals) 56L; run (of human beings) 56L; run in circles 103R; run on 67R; run or flow smoothly 54L; run smooth(ly) 67R
running 79R
rush 39L; rush, of both noise and speed (transitive and intransitive) 100L
rushing 32R, 34L, 39R; beating or rushing of wings 100L
russet 48R
rust 80R
rustle (verb) 76R, 78L
rustling (noun) 100L, 103L
Sá 81L
sad 88R
sagacious 38L, 64R, 82R
sagacity 64R
sail 100R, 104L; (Gnomish:) 104L
sailor 105R; sailor (a word used of any sailor) 35L; like a sailor 105L
saint (m. and f.) 34L
sale 99R
saliva 79R
Salkinóre 84R
Salmar 81R
salt (noun and adj.) 83R; salt meat 94R
salted 94R
salve 71R
same 42R; of same kin or clan 79R
sameness 42R
sample (verb) 84R
sand 63L; dry sand 32L
Sangahyando, Sanga(h)yando 81R
Sangair 81R
Sankossi 85L
sap 63L, 101R (101L); sap-blood 101L
sapphire 57L
Sári 81L
Sarqin, Sarqindi 86R
savage 44R, (of beasts:) 79L
save 79R
savour 49R
saw (verb and noun) 82L; large saw 48R
say alas! 84L
saying 68R
scales 88R
Scandinavia 74R
scarlet 81L
scatter 80L
scattered 80L
scatteredly 80R cf. 80L
scoop 100R (101L)
scorch 81L, 84L
scorched 84L
score 68R
scrape 79L
scraper 79L
scratch (verb and noun) 68R, (Gnomish:) 103L
screecher 79L
script 90R
scriptures 90R
scud 104L (104R)
scythe 84R
sea (in storm) 39L
sea, Sea 70L, 100R; Outer Seas (Gnomish) 100R; drowned in the Sea 78R; God of Sea 70L; Lord of Outer seas and of all waters (Gnomish) 97R; Valon of the Seas 97R
sea-elf's tress 35L
seagull 60L
seal: Solomon's seal 77R
search 81L; go in search for 95L
seat 85R, 86L
seaweed 38L
second half of Avestalis (January) 36R
secrecy 38R
secret (noun) 38R; lay up in secret 38R
secret (adj.) 38R, 55R, 62R, 74L
secretive 38R
section 94R
sedge 55L
see 82R (83L), 95R
seed 61L, 70R; seed pod 70R; grain of seed 61L; line of seeds planted 80L
seedling 80R
seize 51L, 59L; I seize in my hand 31R
seized 31R
select 49R
semen 61L
send towards 31L; be sent 52R
sensation 91R
sense (noun) 91R; sense of sight 82R; sense of smell 68R; sense of taste 49R; sense of touch 91R
sensible 91R
sensitive 47L, 91R
sent: be sent 52R
sentence 77L
sentiment 91R
sentimental 91R
serene 44L
series 72L, 80L
Serinar 83L
Serindo 83L
serpent 38L, 54L; name of a serpent that guarded a treasure 38R
servant 102R
serve 102R
service 102R
set 43R, 85R, 86L; set fire to 75R; set free 37R; set light to 44L; set up 95L
setting 87L; setting of heavenly bodies 87L; setting of stars, moon, sun, etc. 87L
settle 85R, 86L, (Gnomish:) 95L
seven 71L
sew 65R
sex: youth of either sex 40R; female sex (Gnomish) 77R
shade 51R, 55R
shadow 55R; shadows 51R; Shadow place 32R
shadowy 51R, 55R
shady 51R
shaggy 34L, 71R
shake 76R; shake at foundations 93R
shaky 93R
shame: put to shame 65L
shape (noun:) 100R (and 89L?); (verb:) 45L, 100R (101L)
shaped: globe-shaped 47R
shapely 91R
share (noun) 41R, 94R
shared 94R
sharp 50R, 91R, 101R; sharp (of points) 46R; sharp blade 101R; sharp point 46R
she wolf 97R
sheaf 54L
shearing time 71R
sheath 100R
shed 93R, 95R
sheep 60L; a head of cattle or sheep 50R; flock of sheep 32R; sheepfold 60L; cry of goat or sheep 68R
she-goat 68R
shelf 71R
she-lion 79R
shepherd 50R, 60L, 62R, 88L; shepherd's pipe 75L
shield boss, boss (of shield) 94L
shimmering 83L
shine 44L, 47L; shine (blue) 92L; shine golden 44L; shine oily 42L
shingle 30R, 85L
shining 92L; shining light 92L
ship 57L
shirt 51R
shoe 41R, 72R
shoot 96R; shoot (sowing) 80R; new shoots 96R
shore 37L, 80L; Shoreland Piper 92L, Shoreland-pipers 85R; shore-piper 35L
shortage 59L
should: as it should be 99R
shoulder (Gnomish) 78R
shout (verb:) 40R, 69L, 78R, 105L; shout (noun:) 40R, 78R, 105L; shout of triumph 105L
Shouter 79L
show (verb) 34L, 72R
showers: full of fine showers 92R
showery (of weather) 92R
shrewdness 64R
shrill 91R
shrine 30L
shrivel 68L
shrivelled 68L
shuttle 94L
sick 53L, 76L
sickle 47L
sickly 78L
sickness 53R, 76L
side: mountain side 80R
sideways: extend sideways 32L
sieve 84R
sift 84R
sifted 84R
sigh 84L
sighing 84L
sight 82R (83L); sense of sight 82R; keen of sight 82R
significance (it is of significance) 102L
Sigurdhr 95R, 96L
Sil 83R
Silidrin 83R
Silindo 83R
silk 81R
silken 81R
Silmadrin 83R
Silmarindo 83R
Silmarinko 83L
Silmarint 83R
Silmo 83L, 83R
Silpion 74L
silver: main reference 91L, jf. also 88R; mystic name of silver 42L; silver piece 91L; silver spark 92R; of silver 91L; of the Silver Feet 91L; Cluster of silver flies (Pleiades) 43R; silverfish 91L
silvern 91L
Simfi 85R
similar 82R, 101L
similarity 82R
Simpi 84L
sing 54R; when many swallows congregate and sing at dawn 53R
singe 84L
singing 54R; singing at dawn (esp. of birds) 54R; Singing Stone 70L; singing-cluster 54R
single: large single flowers - see bloom
singly 36L
sink 68L, 68L
sinking 87L
sip (noun) 84R
Sir 62L
Sirion 84L
Sirius 65L, 65R, 92L, 92R; a small star near Sirius 92L, 92R
sister 40L, 40R; sister or brother 40L
sit 85R; sit down 85R; make sit 43R
six 35R
skilled (with hands) 57R
skin 72L
sky 42L, 88L, 90R; blue sky 44L; clear sky 44L; overcast sky 51R; red sky in morning 47L
slanting 93R
slaughter 58L
slave 102R
slay 57R, 58L
sleep (verb:) 39L; sleep (noun) 39L, 63R; deep sleep 39L; one of the 2 Ainur called Fantor who had to do with sleep 69R
sleight 57R
slender 73R, 84R; slender and tapering 73R; slender airs among the stars 42L; slender stem 84L; slender tube 84L
slime 56R, 87L
slimy 56R
slipper 72R
slope (noun) 80R; make slope 93R
sloping 93R
slow (adj.) 52R, 53L
slumber (noun:) 56L, 63R, (verb:) 63R
slumbrous 56L
slush 93L
slushy 93L
small 61R, 73R; small bell 46R; small bird 101R; small bird (especially sparrow) (Gnomish) 96R; flock, often of small birds 41R; small boat 100R, (emended:) 101L; small drum 94R; small flower 92L; small fly 43R; small harp 45L, 81R; small hinged door 51R; small leaf 72L; small river 103L; small star 92R; small star near Sirius 92L, 92R; small worm 91R
smart 95R
smell (transitive) 37R, 68L; smell (intransitive) 106R; smell sweet/sweetly 68L; a smell 68R; sense of smell 68R; get smell of 37R
smelt 88R
smile (verb and noun) 61R; faint smile 61R
smiling 61R
smith 94R
smoke (verb and noun) 80R; smoke at pipe 80R; belch smoke 80R; cause to smoke 80R; choking smoke 78R; sprout smoke 80R
smooth 42L, 51R, (Gnomish:) 50R; run smoothly and hum 67R; go smoothly 67R; run or flow smoothly 54L; smooth out 51R
snake 54L, 54R, 55L
snap 64R, 105L; snap of a dog 64R
snappy 64R
snare 51L
snarl 105L
snatch 79L
sneeze (verb, "I sneeze") 41L; sneeze (noun) 41L; load sneeze 41L; a cough and a sneeze 41L
sniff (noun) 68L; sniff at 68L
snow (verb and noun) 66L; fine snow 66L; light snow 43R; melting snow 93L; snow-cap, Snow-cap 66L, 66R; Lofty snowcap 87R; snowdrop 68R, 69L; snow-white 66L
snowy 66L
so 64L
soap 75R
soft 30R, 54L, 58L, 59R; soft stuff 54L; speak soft 77R
soil 46L; rich (of soil) 74R
soldier 48L
sole 88L, 88R
solid 80R, 93L
solitary 36L
Solmoth 86R
Solomon's-seal 77R
Solosimpe 35L, 38L, 84L, 85R; Solosimpi 84L, 85R; Solosimpeli 35L
something like 82R
son 40R, 106L; -son (in the text only defined as an ending of patronymics, "practically = descendant of") 106R; son of the dark 62R; daughter's son 87R; Son of Aule 71L
song 54R; Valu of Song 40L, 54R
soothe 54L, 87L
sopra 70R, 87R; in alto su 87R
sore 86R
Sorontur 86L
sorrow 69L
sort out 84R
soughing 86R
soul: Holy soul 58R
sound (noun:) 56L; sound of hunting horns 79L; (verbs:) sound hollow 105L, sound loud 78R
soup 84R
sour 64L
source 76R; river near its source 84L
South 81L; a great land of South (Africa) 31L; wet wind ([that comes from] S[outh]-W[est]) 6LR
sow 70R
sower 80R
sowing 80R; sowing time 80R
sown 80L; sown field 61L
space 51L; open space 50R
spacious 51L
spade 82L
Spanish (= Spanish chestnut) 57R
spark 85L, 92R; (silver) spark 92R
sparkle (verb) 85L; sparkle, etc. 92R; sparkle as with gems 85L; sparkle of dew 92R
sparkling (noun) 92R, 104L; a sparkling as of crystal 85L
sparrow 41R; small bird (especially sparrow) 96R
speak 77L; speak high 77R; speak soft 77R
speaking down the nose 66R
spear 35R, 36R
special day 44L
species 66R; plant species 52L
speck 73R
speech 52L, 77L; having speech 77L; speechless 78R
speed: rush, of both noise and speed (transitive and intransitive) 100L
spend one's life 48R
spider 45L, 98L; Spider of Night 80R
spike 36R, 93L; row of spikes or teeth 48R
spiked 93L
spin (verb) 45L, 67R, 74R; spin (of tops, etc.) 103R; make spin 77R
spindle 77R
spindrift 104L
spire 54L
spirit 69R, 101R; disincarnate spirit 58R; abiding place of disincarnate spirit(s) 58R
spit 79R
spiteful remark 64R
spittle 79R
splash 72L
splashing 72L
splice 53L
splinter 47L
split 47L
spoil 61R
spoilt 74R
spot (noun) 32L, 73R, 90R
spray (noun) 92R
spray 92R, 96R; made of spray 92R; nodding spray 76R
sprayed 92R
spread 32L
spread 32L, 72R; spread out 72R; spread (intransitive) 50R
spreading 72R
spring (verb) 45L, (noun:) 46L, 76R, 96R, 103L; spring of water 45L; Spring 96R; Valar [read: Vala] of Spring and Happiness 99R; Valsi of dancing, joy, spring, life & beauty 100L; spring-like 96R; spring-singer 96R
springtime 100L, (Gnomish:) 96R
sprite (dale-sprite) 90L
sprout 55L, 96R; sprout smoke 80R
sprouting 96R
square 65R
squawk 76L
squeak 77R
squeaking 77R
squeeze 58L, 63R
stab (a dig or stab) 42L
staff 99L
stalk 84L
standard 95L
standing by 72R
star 92R; small star 92R; the morning or evening star 34R; a small star near Sirius 92L, 92R; a star (Juppiter) 83L; many-starred, having many stars 53R; Queen of Stars 102L; setting of stars, moon, sun, etc. 87L; dwellings beyond the stars for the blessed 42L; slender airs among the stars 42L; blue air that is about the stars 42L
stare 93L
startle 45L
starve 82R
state 85R; state of marriage 101L
stay still 78L
steadfast 80R; steadfast regard 93L
steadfastness 80R, 81L
steady (adj.) 80R, 88L, 95L, (Gnomish) (verb:) 95L
steal 64R, 74L; anything stolen 64R
stealth 38R
stealthy 74L
steel 36L, 105L; of steel 105L
steep (adj.) 70R; steep (adj. and noun) 29R
steepness 29R
stem 84L; slender stem 84L
stench (emended) 106R
Stephen 83L
stercus (Latin: "dung, manure, muck") 63L
stick in 95L; stick out 67L; stick up 50L, 93L
sticking out edge ("etc.") 98L
sticky 87L, 101L; sticky matter 56R, 87L
stiff 52R, 80R
still (adj.) 78L; stay still 78L
still (= but) 36L
stillness 80R
stink 106R
stir 77R
stitch in knitting 78L
stolen: anything stolen 64R
stone 70L; blue stone 57L; Singing Stone 70L; piles of stones 30R; stone-cairn 70L; stone monument 70L; stone pine 41L
stony 70L; stony beach 30R
stoop 45R, 68L
store up 38R
storm 51R; sea (in storm) 39L
stormy 51R
story 68R
stout 50L, 65R; stoutness of heart 65R
straight 53L, 90R; straighten 75R
strain through 47R
strainer 47R
straits 38L
strangeness 100L
strangle 46L
stray 71R
stream 46L, 84L; bank of stream 80L
street 58L; high St., Highstreet 90R
strength 65R, 95R; have strength 75L, have strength 96L
strengthen 93L
strengthening 93L
stretch 31L, 53L; stretch forward 32L
stretch out 78R, 89L
strife 64R
strike 73R; strike (esp. with flat hand) 74R
string 83L; twang (of strings, harps, etc.) 77R
strip 34L, 37L, 38R, 79L, 80L; cut in strips 80L
stripe 80L
striped 80L
strive 48L
stroke 51R
strong 60L; am strong 95R; strong dislike 30R
stuff (soft stuff) 54L
stupid 50R
substance: tender (of meat, substances, etc.) 58L
suck: give suck 50L
suffer 44R; suffer great anguish 73R
suffocate 78L
Sûlimi, i-Súlimi 86R, 102L
Sûlimo 86R, 102R
sum 78R
summer 33R; high-summer 33R; mid-summer's day 33R; Summer 81L
summit 47R, 70R
Sun, sun: the name of the Sun 78R; a name of the Sun 44L; Sun (the orbed Sun, the rising or setting Sun) 98R; Sun when she issues from her white gate(s) 71L; gates of the Sun 71L; get low (of sun) 68L; ray of sun 38R; rising (of the sun) 70R; setting of stars, moon, sun, etc. 87L
sunlight 33R, 44L
sunlit 33R
Sun-maid 98R
sunny 33R
sun-rise 30R, 70R; sunrising-hill 44L
sunset 87L
sunshine 33R
sup 84R; sup up 84R
support (verb:) 87L, 93R, 95L; (noun:) 72R, 79R, 93R, 88L?
supporting 72R, 93R
surf 72L, 85R
surface (plane surface) 71R
surge (up and down) 85R
surge 85R
surround 73L
susceptible 47L
suspect 64R
suspicion 64R, 65L; free from suspicion 65L
swallow (noun) 96R; many-swallows of autumn 53R; when many swallows congregate and sing at dawn 53R
swamp 56R
swan 30L, 83L
swap 76R
sward 71R
swarm (verb and noun) 41R
swathe 51L
sweet 55L, 87L, (Gnomish:) 104R; sweet (to taste only) 104L; sweet drink 61R; sweet lily 68L; smell sweet/sweetly 68L
sweeten 87L
sweetness 55L
swell (intransitive:) 75R; swell 95R (94L, 95L); swell ("with idea of hollowness") 95L; make swell 76L
swift 32R, 34L, 79L, 79R
swill 57L
swirl (noun) 74R
swoon (verb and noun) 37R
sword 35L, 58L, 60L; sword (large) 38R; name of Turambar's sword 81R; swordbelt 35L; swordsman 35L, 58L; Swordsman of Heaven 90R
sycamore maple 71R cf. 57R
system: great system of roots 94R
table 71R, 82L; great table 71R
tail 74L; hanging tail 74L
Taimavar 62R
Taime, Taimie 88L
Taimondo 62R, 88L; Taimordo, 62R, 88L; Taimonto, Taimorto 88L
take 59L, 64R, 96R; take a sup of 84R
Talceleb 91L
tale 68R
talk (verb and noun) 77L; talk idly 68R; idle talk 68R; able to talk 77L
tall 30R, 50L; tall tower 93L; thin tall pillar 95L
Taltelepta 91L
Tamar 88R
tambourine 94R
Tamildo 88R
Tanfa 101R
Taniquetil 66R, Taniqetil 88L, Taniqetil (-d-) 87R; Taniqettil 88L; Ta-niquet-tilde 88L
Tanyasalpë 84R
tap (of feet) 72R
taper 89L; taper fingered 89L
tapering 84R
Tarambolaika 89R
Tarambor 89R
tarry 63R
Taruithorn 89L
tassel 37R, 76R
tasseled 57R; tasseled fringe 37R
tassle 74L
taste (intransitive): it tastes (of) 49R; taste nasty 64R; taste (at) (transitive) 49R; taste (noun) 84R; sense of taste 49R; sweet (to the taste only) 104R
tawny (Gnomish) 48R
tax (assess) 94L
tea 49R
Teamalle 90R
tear (verb) 85L; tear up 80L
tear (noun) 68R; white tear 68R; tearful 69L
tease 73L
teat 50L
tedious 53L
teeth: row of spikes or teeth 48R, row of teeth 49L; teeth, the two rows of teeth (Gnomish) 64L
Teler 91L, 92L; Teleri 36L
Telimektar (Orion) 35L, 88L, 90R; another name of Telimektar 62R; Telimbektar 90R
Telimpë 91L
tell 68R
Telpea Kalka 47L
temple 30L, 48L
temporal 56R
temporary 56R
ten 52R; tenfold 52R
tender 62L; tender (of meat, substances, etc.) 58L; tender (more often metaphorically) 58L; little or tender kiss 61R
tendril 53L, 53R; hooked (as a tendril) 53L
tenfold 52R
tentacles: feel for (like tentacles etc.) 89L
test 49R, 94L; put to the test 49R
Tetille 92L
Tevildo 61L, 90L, 92L
thalamus (inner chamber, woman's bedroom; marriage-bed, marriage) 46L
that by you 34R
thaw (noun) 93L
thawing (noun:) 92R, (adj.:) 93L
theft 64R, 73R
then 66R, 81L
there: here and there 80R cf. 80L
thick 50L, 81R
thief 64R, 73R; thieves 89L
thigh 50L, 93R
thin 38L, 47R, 53L, 73R; long and thin 53L; thin long point 47R; thin rod 74R; tall thin pillar 95L
thing 64L, 102L, (Gnomish:) 64L; a little thing 73R; living thing 48R, ("esp. vegetable":) 52L; things preyed on 79L; we indeed endure things but the martyrs endured and to the end 73R
think 78R; think out 35R
third layer (of air) 101R
thirst 56R
thirsty 56R; be thirsty 56R
thirty-six 69R
this (demonstrative) 41R, 46R, 87R; this by us 41R
Thlosibron, Thlossibin, Thlosibwi 85R
thong 54L
thorn 35L; hawthorn 74L; whitethorn 74L
Thorndor 86L
Thornodor 86L
thorny 35L
thought: inner thought 29L; providential occurrence or thought (Gnomish) 99R
thread 53R, 65R
three 69L
throat 46L
throbbing 81R
Throndor 86L
throne 85R, 86L
throng 42L, 81R; cleaver of throngs 81R
through 73L; go through 73L; strain through 47R
throw down or over 47L
thrum (of strings, harps, etc.) 77R
thrumsqueak-er (= violin) 81R
thrust (noun:) 35R, (verb:) 47L; thrust home (I trust home) 42L; thrust in 35R, 42L
thud 89R
thumb 50L
tickle (verb) 47L
tickling (noun) 47L
ticklish 47L
tide 85R
tidy 75R; tidy up 75R
tie 83L, 91R; tie knot (Gnomish) 55L
Tifil 90L
tight 53L, 81R; tight mass 81R; joined tight 78L; pack tight 81R
Til 92R
tiles 95R
Tilio 92R
Tilkal 51R
tilt 47L
time 56R; best time 55R; meal time 59R; sowing time 80R; springtime 100L; at that time 81L; time passes 56R; pertaining to time 56R; -times (suffix) 56R; before of time 105R
timidezza 45R
timido 45R
timoroso 102R
Timpando Varavilindo 92L
Timpinen 92L
tin 51R; of tin 51R
tinder 96L
Tinfang Warble 92L
Tinfing 104L
tinkle 46R
tiny 42R; tiny baby 50L; tiny drop 54R; tiny glass 54R; tiny (fay-)glass 54R
tip 47R, 61L, 69L, 92R
to 33L; to(wards) 31L; to the ground 39L; to be (= tomorrow's) 66R
today 34R, 87R; to-day 41R
together (Gnomish) 45R; together with 33L; join together 53L
Tol Eressea 36L, 42R, 48L, 85R, 94L
tolerate 93R
toleration 93R
Tol-eressea 94L
Tombo 95R
tomorrow 34R, 66R, 67L; tomorrow's 66R; tomorrow morning 34R; tomorrow night 34R
-ton 60R
tongue ("of body, but occasionally of land, or even = speech") 52L
too much 60L
tooth 48R, 65R, (Gnomish:) 85L. Teeth: row of spikes or teeth 48R, row of teeth 49L; teeth, the two rows of teeth (Gnomish) 64L
toothed 48R
top 77R; spin (of tops, etc.) 103R
torment (verb and noun, the latter capitalized: "Torment") 34R; a place of torment 99L
tormentor 34R; Tormentor (the great chain) 34R
torture 58R, 101R
total 78R
totter: make totter 93R
tottering 93R
touch 89L, 91R; sense of touch 91R
tough 81R
towards 31L; send towards 31L
tower: a mighty tower 93L; tall tower 93L; walled tower 71L; town with walls and towers 93L
town 41L, 43L, 48L, 73L, 102R; town on (a) hill 94L; town with walls and towers 93L; town of the round Hill 48L; a western town of Inwinóre 36R; the ancient town built above the rocks of Eldamar 48L; town wall 41L, (Gnomish:) 71L
township 71L, (Gnomish:) 103L
trade 99R
tradesman 99L
trail 74L
trailing 53L, 74L
transitory 56R
transparence 54R
transparent 54R
tray 95L
treasure 38R; name of a serpent that guarded a treasure 38R
tree 29R, 30L; great tree 90L; alder tree 97R; bole of tree 75R; cherry tree 34L; fruit tree 59L; oak-tree 67R; avenue of trees 29R; resinous trees 86R; tree-shadowed 29R
tremble 72L
trembling 72L
tremor 72L
tremulous 72L
tress of hair 83L; having tresses 83R; long-tressed 31L; lady of long tresses (= silver birch) 83R
tribe 41L; one of the first tribe of elves 43L
trick (noun) 35R, 38L, 64R; tricking (noun) 45R
trickle (noun) 46L, (verb:) 46L, (Gnomish:) 97L
Trinity, 1st Person of 33L; 2nd person of 43L
triumph: shout of triumph 105L
troll 44R
troop 41L
tropic heat 94R
tropics 94R, 103L
truck 75R
trump 95R
trumpet 54L, 94L, 95L; to blow a trumpet 54L
trustiness 80R
try (verb) 49R, 94L
Tu??il 38R
tube 80R; slender tube 84L
tuck (verb and noun) 47L
tuft 45R, 76R
tug 47L
tugging (noun) 45R
Tuilére 40R
Tuilêris 96R
Tuilindo 96R
Tuivan 99R
Tuivâna 95L, 96R, 99R
Tulcus, Tulcos 95L
Tulkas 95L
tumour 103L
tún 48L
tune 54R; playing of tunes 64L
tuned: well tuned 91R
tunic 51R
Tuor's axe 89R
Turamarto 95R, 96L
Turambar 95R (= main reference), 38L, 81R, 96L; Túrin Turambar 96L
turn (verb) 74R, (Gnomish:) 103L; to "turn" milk 50L
turret 61R, 93L
Turuhalmë 96R
Turumarto 96L
tusk 48R
twang (of strings, harps, etc.) 77R; make twang 45L
twanging 81R; twanging echo 81R
twelve hours 44L
twenty 33L; twenty-three 52R; twenty-four hours 56R
twi- (prefix) 33L
*twice (attalukse, not explicitly translated but transparently meaning "two times", atta + lukse) 56R
twig 96R
Twilight: Land of Twilight 40R
twine (verb:) 55L, 83L; (noun?:) 53R
twingling (noun) 104L
twinkle 85L, 92R
twinkling as of frosty stars 92R
twirl 74R, 103R
twirling 103R
twist (verb) 55L, 74R, 80L, 103R
twisting (noun) 74R
twizzle 74R
two: the two rows of teeth (Gnomish) 64L; the two lips 72R; *two times (attalukse, not explicitly translated, but first element is clearly atta- "twi-" [33L], while the second element is explained to mean "-times") 56R
ubiquitous 80L
Udum 99L
Ui 70L, 97L
ulcer 86R
ulcerated 86R
Ulmo 97R, 100R
ultimate 91R; ultimate reason 43R
un- 98L; see also 41R concerning one form of a "neg[ation] prefix"
unceasing 73R
uncivilized man 44R
unclear 62R
under (adj.) 96R
undergo 47R, 73L
understand 91R; get to understand 73L
understanding (noun and adj.) 91R
unfinished 41R
unfold 72R
unfolding (noun) 72R
unfurl 94L
unguent 71R
Ungwe 98L; Ungwe Fuiva 81L, 103R; Ungwë Lianti 98L; Ungwe-Tuita 80R
unite (Gnomish) 105R
universal 80L
unlawfully 64R
unmoved 80R
unroll 100R
unsteady 41R
Unweliante (or Ungwelianti) 98L
unwell 76L
Uolë Kúvion 49R
Uole-mu-Kúme 48L
up(wards) 30R; surge (up and down) 85R; up (of the sun) 30R; up-headed (high-headed) 30R
uphold 93R, 95L
upper airs 88R, 101R
upward path 80R
urinate 62L
urine 62L
Ûrinki 98R
Ûrion 98R
Urwedhin 98R
Urwen 44L, 98R; Urwendi 98R
Urwin 98R
us: this by us 41L; here by us 41R
used to (I am used to) 84R
useful 57R
usual 84R
utter end 76R
Utumna 99L; Utumnar 99L
Vai 100R
Vailimo 100R
Vaimo 100R
vain repetition 102L
Vaitya 100R
Valar, Vali 99R (= main reference), 30R, 37R, 44L, 68R, 104R; Lord of Valar 58R; Valar [read: Vala] of Spring and Happiness 99R; drink of the Valar 61R, (Gnomish:) 104R
Valde 99R
vale 36L, 95R; dark vale 95R; vale where [the Teleri] lived 91L
Vali 40L (pl. Valir, 40L); Vali of love, music, beauty and purity 36L; 40L; Vali of Wind 86R
Valinor 42R, 99R; the path to Valinor 69R; Valinóre 36L, 99R
Valis 99R
valley 66L, (adj.:) 66R; valley (or land) of the Elves 91L; Lily of the Valley 77R
Valmo 99R
Valon 99R; Valon of the Seas 97R
Valsi of dancing, joy, spring, life & beauty 100L
Valu 40L; Valu of Song 40L, 54R
Vana 100L; Vána 40R, Vâna 60L, 96R, 99R, 100L; Vâna Tuivâna 96R
Vanar, Vani 99R
vanish 61R
vanquish 100L
Varavilindo 92L, 104L
Varda 102L-102R (= main reference), 86R
varying (Gnomish) 64L
vast 29L
vault 45R
Vé 58R, Vê 100R
Vefantor 100R
vegetable 52L; living thing (esp. vegetable) 52L; vegetable food 60L
vegetarian 60L
Veneste 36L
vengeance: the vengeance taken 72R; take vengeance on 72R
vengefulness 72R
venom 40L
venomous 40L
verbal 77L; verbal prefix (causative) 43R
vermin 79L
very 69R; very much alike 30R
vessel 47L, 100R (101L)
victory 34L, 100L
vigil 93L
vigilant 93L
vigour 52L
village 60L, 80R, 81L, 102R
Vilmar 88R, 101R
Vilna 101R
vindictiveness 72R
vine 53R
Vingelot 34R
Vinya 101R
viol, viola 81R
violence 38R; robbery by violence 59L
violet (flower) 39R; blue-violet 39R
violin 81R
virgin amazon 60R
visage 29R
viscous 87L
vision 37R
voice 69L; musical voice 54R
vomit 76L
Voronwe 34R, 62R, 102L
Vulna 104L
wailing 71L
Walien 103L
wall (town wall) 41L, (Gnomish:) 71L; town with walls and towers 93L; wall & moat 71L; outer wall with moat 41L; outer wall with moat, town wall (Gnomish:) 71L
walled: walled town 48L, walled tower 71L
wan 53L
wander 71R, 72L
wandering 71R
want 59L
Wanwavoite 58R, 102R
war 48L; war-hate (a demon) 62R; God of wars 58L
ward 76R, 93L, 104L; Birdward (Gnomish) 104L
wares 99L
warm 33R, 57L; be warm 33R; keep warm 57L; warm water 57L; bathe in warm water 57L
warmth 33R; pleasant warmth 33R
warrior 48L, 62R, 65R, (Gnomish:) 60L; Warrior of Heaven 88L
Warwickshire 29R
wash (verb) 30L, 57L, 86L
washing 86L
watch (noun and verb) 76R, 93L; watch (over) 76R (104L)
watchfulness 76R
water 54R, 65R; bath water 86L; hot water 86L; warm water 57L; bathe in warm water 57L; water lily 29L, 29R; any rise standing alone in water, plain of grass, etc. 94L; Lord of Outer seas and of all waters (Gnomish) 97R
waterfall 29R
water-mead 66L
watery 54R
wave (verb) 85R, 94L
wave (noun) 85R, 104L; wave as it breaks 37L
wavebreak 85R
wave-crest 72L, (Gnomish:) 104L
wax (only pa.t. waxed mentioned) 69R
way 99L; way of dreams 69R; paved way (Gnomish) 64L
we 73R (pronoun mer and ending -lme?)
wealth 33R, 62L
weather: dark/bad weather 57L; fair weather 44L; fair (weather or complexion) 44L; damp (of weather) 68L; showery (of weather) 92R
weave 45L
web 45L
wed 46L
wedded life 46L
wedding 46L, 101L
week 71L
weep 68R
weeping 60L, 69L; weeping willow 84L
weft 103R
weigh 52L; weigh (intransitive) 88L; weigh down 88R
weighed down 88R
weight 88R
well (adv.) 99R, 58R; well- (prefix:) 33R; as well 32L; well tuned 91R
well (noun) 76R, 93R
well up 76R
Wendelin 103R
went 99L
Werelin 103R
west 68L; in the west 68L; wet wind ([that comes from] S[outh]-W[est]) 6LR
westering 87L
western 68L; western town of Inwinóre 36R
wet 54R, 98R; wet wind (SW) 67R
wetness 67R
whale: primeval whale 97L
wheel 77R
when many swallows congregate and sing at dawn 53R
whirl 103R
whirligig 103R
whisper (noun:) 65L, (verb:) 77R
whistle 84L
whistling 84L
white 43R, 66L, 66R; snow-white 66L; white tear (= snowdrop) 68R; whitethorn 74L
whiten 66L
whole of the created world (not only earth) 43L
whole: the whole 70L; women as a whole 77L
whoop 41L
whooping cough 50L
wicked 97R, (Gnomish:) 78R
wide 34L, 51L, 72R; wide open 72R; wide places 32L; the wide world 71R, 72L
wife 30R, 40L, 101L; wife of Bandoth 38R
wild (of land) 37L; wild beast 79L; wild dog 82L
wilderness 32L
wild-rose, wild rose 44R; wild-rose berries 44R
willow 90L; weeping willow 84L; with many willows 53R
wind (verb) 51L, (Gnomish:) 55L, 103R; wind about 100R
wind, winds 86R, 102R; Eastwind 71L; wet wind (SW) 67R; full of wind 86R; noise of wind 86R; Vali of Wind 86R; Lord of Winds 86R
winding rill 103L
window 51R
windy 86R, 102R
wine 61R; a kind of wine 97R; like wine 61R; wine-red 61R
wing 78R, 100L, 103L; having wings 78R; beating or rushing of wings 100L
winged 57R, 104L
Wingilot 104L (104R)
winnow 84R
winnowed 84R
winter, Winter 40R, 105R; winter one 40R
winy 61R
Wirilôme 103R; Wirilòme 104L; Wirilóme 81L
wisdom (Gnomish) 67R
wise 43L, 91R
wisteria 39R
wit 95R
witch 38L, 49L, 49R
with 52R; with leaves 51L; with many willows 53R
wither 40R, 68L
withered 40R, 41R
withering (noun) 68L
without 35R
witty 95R
wizard 49L, 49R
wizardry 49L
wobbly 93R
wolf 97R; she wolf 97R; pack of wolves 82R
woman 31R, 77L, 77R, 96L; women as a whole 77L; little woman 77L; kinswoman 79R; woman's bedroom 46L
womanhood (state) (Gnomish) 77R
womanliness 77L
womanly 31R, 77L
wood (in general, as material) 96L; wood-bridge 82L
wooden 96L
woodland 64R, 90L
woodpeckers: nose or beak of such birds as woodpeckers 73R
woof 103R
wool 71R; of wool 71R; card wool 73L; hank (of wool, etc.) 45R
word 77L
wording 77L
world: whole of the created world (not only earth) 43L; inhabited world 43L; the wide world 71R, 72L; creator who dwells without the world 35R; outermost air beyond the world 100R
worm 103R; small worm 91R; the great worm slain by Ingilmo, or Turambar 38L
worship ("used as title of great people") 34L
worshipful ("etc.") 34L
worth 102L; it is of worth 102L
worthy 102L
wounds: dealer of wounds 81R
wrap (verb:) 51L, 100R, (noun:) 100R
wreath 83L
wrench 80L
wrenching (noun) 45R
wretched 37R
wrist 57R
write 90R; write on 90R
writer 90R
writings 72L, 90R
written poem 54R
wrong 73R. 97R
yard 41L
Yarendl 105L
Yâvan 105R
Yavanna 105R
year 56R, 80L
Yelin 105R
yellow 58L, 63R, (Gnomish:) 64L; yellowish 58L; be yellow 33R; yellow water lily 65R
Yeloimu 106L
Yelur 106L
yes 64L
yesterday 105R; yesterday's (adj.) 105R; yesterday's yesterday 105R
yew 88R
yield 94R, (Gnomish:) 105R
yielding 58L
yoke 105R
you: if you please 43L; that by you 34R
young: young deer 70L, young eagle 35L, young hare 51L, young or baby "Elves" or fairies 91L
youth 52L; youth of either sex 40R
Di Helge Fauskanger - traduzione di Gianluca Comastri